Okay so as most Dragon knights know by now, Sea of flames has been replaced by Caurterize. This move is useless as it does not heal the user, but only group members and there are WAY too many better healing moves. I am running as a dragonknight tank build. However I did run one ardent flame move, sea of flames. I loved that move. It was a self targeting move that allowed you to have a little fireball buddy that helped you fight and it didn't have a duration. It would stay on until you either died, used fast travel or turned it off yourself. But because they replaced it with a useless move, I need to find something else. Or find a way to increase the duration of flames of oblivion by a lot. Does anybody have any suggestions that might work.
Weapons wise I run duel wield for main hand and bow for back up.
Duel wield runs rapid strikes and flying blade
Bow runs magnum shot and focused aim.