Getting kicked from group chat after loading screens...

Friend and I were grouped up yesterday after the patch update, and after every loading screen we were getting disabled from the group chat. We were in separate zones, I was in Abah's Landing (not sure if that's correct name/spelling, I don't have a reference open in front of me) and he was in Reaper's March (he did not have the DLC unlocked yet). Every time one of us went through a loading screen, we would get kicked from the group chat. I figured out we'd have to go back into the menu and re-enable the voice chat for the group. Super annoying getting cut off mid sentence! Is anyone else experiencing this issue?
  • Pandorii
    Yep. I had that happen to me all day (PS4 NA). Never before have I talked to myself so much before. Very annoying glitch. I hope it gets a hot fix.
  • potemathewolfqueen
    Yes, my husband and I experienced the same thing tonight. It would keep dropping us from voice chat whenever we traveled from one zone to the next. We ended up switching to PSN party chat.
  • TRIP233
    I'm having issues with this as well. I'm in a group of 4 sometimes group of 5 and we all experience this.
  • LeoSzilard
    I have found that members of my group sometimes get booted when just going through a door. I thought it was only when using wayshrines but it seems to be happening more often than I noticed before.
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