How does this video make you feel?

Edited by Hope499 on March 24, 2016 3:17PM
Tripped over my friends bra.....
..she is always setting booby traps!

How does this video make you feel? 33 votes

A giant waste of money
WalkingLegacySchattenherzbunnytrixAkgurdGothlanderEnemy-of-ColdharbourSmoltjbcrocksFloppyFrankDesommettorTravestynoxLadyNalcaryaSugaroverdoseDrazorious 14 votes
Most embarrassing thing online.
Moonshadow66ElsirTroneonSpacemonkeyEvergnarrunagateFireCowCommandoIrishGirlGamerZeg0taFriedEggSandwichsirrmattusGlaiceanaVan_0SFather_X_ZombieVoxicitydro_rasecmr1shoNACtronObliterate 19 votes
  • Moglijuana
    It looks like more effort was put into this video than the patch lol
    Ps4 - PSN:jdmaya
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  • Enemy-of-Coldharbour
    A giant waste of money
    I see the guy's hand grew back since the last commercial. :/

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    Kalina Valos | Dunmer Warden | Magicka | Vampire - Free Bites
    Swiftpaws-Moonshadow | Khajiit Nightblade | Stamina
    Morgul Vardar | Altmer Necromancer | Magicka
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  • sirrmattus
    Most embarrassing thing online.
    Guessing their breton?
    Ebonheart Pact - North American Server
  • Nestor
    It makes me hanker for a Movie set in the world of Tamriel.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

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  • Troneon
    Most embarrassing thing online.
    You missed the option for "BOTH"...
    PC EU AD
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  • Troneon
    Most embarrassing thing online.
    Moglijuana wrote: »
    It looks like more effort was put into this video than the patch lol

    So true....
    PC EU AD
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  • Callous2208
    Some type of way?
  • Elsonso
    I like it.
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  • bunnytrix
    A giant waste of money
    I want to choose both options, but that video is truly awful and will chase away far more people than it would attract.
    ZOS please put your resources to fixing bug and lags instead of this utter garbage.
  • Gidorick
    If ZOS wants a great campaign for ESO they should have done something along the lines of the Battlefront campaign where players are "called to action" into Nirn.

    They could have even done something about unleashing your inner... what? Warriror? Beast? Mage?

    ehh... too late now.
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  • Hope499
    I dont even want to know how much they spent on that actress.....(very famous in NZ I think)

    How do they think not spending the money on the GAME, and on ADVERTISING FOR TG is more important??

    Edited by Hope499 on March 24, 2016 3:32PM
    Tripped over my friends bra.....
    ..she is always setting booby traps!
  • Hope499
    I like it.

    The acting in line with p 0 r n? Or the cringe worthy one liners?

    Tripped over my friends bra.....
    ..she is always setting booby traps!
  • Sugaroverdose
    A giant waste of money
    Hope499 wrote: »

    Why she isn't nude? Waste of money.
  • Hope499
    Hope499 wrote: »

    Why she isn't nude? Waste of money.

    Pretty sure she did Playboy...just a little fyi if you wanted to look anything "up"
    Tripped over my friends bra.....
    ..she is always setting booby traps!
  • HaldaAinur
    I've seen worse.
  • Troneon
    Most embarrassing thing online.
    Hope499 wrote: »
    Hope499 wrote: »

    Why she isn't nude? Waste of money.

    Pretty sure she did Playboy...just a little fyi if you wanted to look anything "up"

    She'll do anything for $$$....

    Sounds like Z$S....match made in heaven...
    PC EU AD
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  • khele23eb17_ESO
    Neither. I found it amusing.
    Edited by khele23eb17_ESO on March 24, 2016 3:37PM
    P2P offered you 'hell yeah!' moments. F2P offers you 'thank god its over' moments.
  • Morimizo
    Dragonfrog stole the spotlight, to be sure. But he was so OBVIOUSLY in-game graphics.

    What, they couldn't get a real one? %#$@ actor's guilds...
  • Reevster
    I like it but no other option so this is a stupid poll... fail.
  • Eirikir
    Its funny, just roll with it. Its ESO.... not Citizen Kane or the Mona Lisa.... have fun with it.
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  • Moonshadow66
    Most embarrassing thing online.
    I like the hair color.
    That's about it.
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    Moonshadow Demnevanni - Dunmer Dragonknight Lvl 50, EP | Jamie Stacey - Redguard Templar Lvl 50, EP
    Caia Cosades - Imperial Nightblade, EP

  • Glaiceana
    Most embarrassing thing online.
    The cringe, oh god the cringe :D
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  • ParaNostram
    I quite liked it! I thought it was funny and cute. It managed to be on the nose about the features in a comical sense, and the purposefully cheesy acting made this pretty campy.

    10/10, would watch more videos of this kind of stuff.
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  • Daraugh
    Tongue in cheek funny, poking fun at themselves! Right down to the guards from Solitude dragging the guy away in Abah's Landing. I liked it, amusing and fluffy
    May all beings have happiness
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  • stojekarcub18_ESO
    those chompers...geeeeez.
  • ZOS_MollyH
    Greetings all,

    As there's already a discussion about the commercial over here we're going to close this one and ask that you continue discussion in the active thread.

    Also as a reminder, since the discussion here is starting to get inappropriate - please be respectful on the forums, and keep our Code of Conduct in mind when commenting.

    Moderator edit - post edited to fix my typo
    Edited by ZOS_MollyH on March 24, 2016 3:59PM
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