Cannot log into PS4 Euro server

Exactly what the title says. I am unable to log in to the server, it just pushes be back to the first page saying 'am unexpected error has occurred'. Anything else you want to throw at us ZOS?
PS5 EU (UK) 668CP - Avid Roleplayer and Elder Scrolls fan!

Kurog Gularz - Orc - Stamina Dragonknight
Ancano Galerion - High Elf - Magicka Sorcerer
Manabi Zenammu - Dark Elf - Magicka Dragonknight
Warlock Necros - High Elf Vampire - Magicka Nightblade
Rajirr Nightclaw - Khajit - Stamina Nightblade
Drifa Deathweaver - Nord - Stamina Necromancer
Aurodil - High Elf - Magicka Templar
Mother Daenia - Breton - Stamina Warden
Souless-Robot - Orc - Stamina Sorcerer
Ursine Wildheart - Nord - Stamina Warden
He'lea Asakale - Imperial - Stamina Templar
Necrosa Corpse-Caller - High Elf - Magicka Necromancer
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