LF small tightknit PC/DC Guild

Looking for guild with not to many people a guild that very close
  • Drivan
    If you are still looking come check out Souls of Fate!
    We are a small tight-nit group of gamers always willing and ready to bring more friends into our community. Don't let the numbers on our website (www.soulsoffate.enjin.com) fool ya we have so many on the roster because we find it hard to let go of our friends no matter how long they have been gone.

    Check us out, if we seem to be the type of people you are looking for contact us and let us know you are interested.
    I am @drivan in game and our GL is @Gamerratic.

    We hope to hear from you soon!
  • Drivan
    Oops, I didn't see that you are a DC player. I'm sorry.

    Our guild sits on the EP faction.
  • Vindemiatrix
    I don't know what your idea of small is, but the AssemblyOfSafetyNSecurity would be glad to welcome you aboard. We have grown, but we have a small core of dedicated guild members who are definitely tight-knit. Here is our main post for further info and contact details: http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/243092/the-assemblyofsafetynsecurity-dc-multi-purpose-guild#latest
    Guildmama: AssemblyOfSafetyNSecurity
    Vindemiatrix, V16 DC DK, Master Angler
    holee hand grenade, V16 DC Templar, Master Angler
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