KaleidoscopeEyz wrote: »When they release a new DLC, they should reduce the price of the previous DLC by 50%.
Dlc is what costs the most to make. They need to pay people to make it and those people don't work for free.
Subbing is an option. Also you don't need to buy all the DLC at once. Expecting free dlc the size and detail of what we have in this game is unrealistic.
Yes I know the TG zone is small, but it is extremely detailed. The city alone took a ton of work to make. Same with Wrothgar and that is bigger.
KaleidoscopeEyz wrote: »You need to release DLC quarterly or run the risk of your player base becoming board and leaving for another game. I'd rather have too much content than not enough. I'm not forced to buy the DLC. I bought Orsinium but I did not get Imperial City and I'm more of a PvE'er.
Dlc is what costs the most to make. They need to pay people to make it and those people don't work for free.
Subbing is an option. Also you don't need to buy all the DLC at once. Expecting free dlc the size and detail of what we have in this game is unrealistic.
Yes I know the TG zone is small, but it is extremely detailed. The city alone took a ton of work to make. Same with Wrothgar and that is bigger.
but dlc is not the most expensive stuff in the crown store.. house lesson, outfit, pet, mount, motif... these are the key to make the money.
plus would you continue to play this game if there aren't anyone to play with?? it is like the frog in boiled water.. the frogs that has been inside from the beginning will not likely to jump out, but when the water get hot it is not likely frog will jump in.
p.s. there are plenty of f2p games that release new content every once a while. and i can assure you that their cash shop is not as over priced as eso..KaleidoscopeEyz wrote: »You need to release DLC quarterly or run the risk of your player base becoming board and leaving for another game. I'd rather have too much content than not enough. I'm not forced to buy the DLC. I bought Orsinium but I did not get Imperial City and I'm more of a PvE'er.
you have misunderstood me my friend. i never ask them to stop producing new content. what am asking is either give future content for free.. or make large dlc. like says this year we will have 4 dlc.. but instead of 4 they could sale them together for maybe 50? which is cheaper then getting 4 dlc at the price of 20~30(80~120).. it is still bad but not as bad as where we were going now..
FloppyFrank wrote: »They should just follow WOW's model where they make last year's dlc available when a new one comes out
Not the most expensive in the crown store. DLC costs the most for the company to make. If you think it costs less to make TG than a black camel ....lol. They need money to make dlc. With no DLC, people get bored and start leaving. "Once in a while won't cut it". Regular free DLC is not sustainable. Fluff only goes so far. How many different mounts and pets do I really need?
Most F2P games rely on P2W items, hard paywalls, and/or in game advertising among other things. If those things happen in eso, people will leave in droves. F2P DLC usually is lackluster and emphasizes the P2W cash shop. F2P games usually have very short lives as people get sick of the P2W mechanics.
Considering the amount of people I see in the current DLCs, and people I see asking about it in game, I am not worried about the quarterly DLC business model.
Tldr, I disagree that they need to release free dlc and that new people will leave because of it. If they like the game, they will buy it to continue the experience.
wait...$60 + $80 = $125?
ScooberSteve wrote: »Stop being a whiney crybaby. Get s job support the game you love. Yes subscribing is more than enough.
let me ask you a simple question: Lets say you are a big elder scroll fun. you found out this game 4 years from now. by then this game should have 12(upcoming)+3(released)=15 dlc. each DLC cost around 20~30 dollars. lets take 25 for average.
4 years later if you want to start the game with full content without sub, it will cost you.. 375(dlc)+60(base game) = 435 dollars
are you.. or are you not willing to pay 435 dollars to play an mmo that you don't know much about??
p.s. sure you can sub, but have already been prove that we don't have enough player base to support a sub model, that is why eso went b2p one year from now..
I know this. I was continuing your comparison to F2P games in your previous post and why I disagree that ESO should go to a free DLC like a F2P game does. Please dont confuse my response to your comparison as my saying that ESO is F2P.First- this game is not f2p, it is b2p. you need to pay $60 to play it.
Trials are a very specialized thing. Many want you on a voice server with them for communication. Its hard to pug a trial, most are not willing to do that. Also there are lower level people in the zone that cant do the trial yet.Third- not every f2p have p2w item.. depend on what you meant by p2w.. eso have aweful alot of stuff in their crown store. motif, crafting motif, potion, repair kit, crafting material.. beside those cosmetic item.. a fast mount will definitely do some good in pvp.. no?
p.s. it take us 3 hours to find 12 player to do maw ....... am not sure about the population.. sure there are around twenty people farming boss last week, but that is for motif.. many people stayed there for days(like me) to grind these damn motif..
Yes I am aware that there are other MMOs out there. I played GW2 for 3 years. I stopped playing because they ruined the game with their HOT expansion. I havent logged in regularly in months. I played GW1 for 6 years. BDO is crap. I never played WoW (and glad I didnt). We have plenty of people paying the sub, buying DLCs and buying other stuff out of the crown store. Just look at the variety and number of different pets and mounts that people are using, they are most definitely paying.edit: just so you know this isn't the only mmo out there.. there is gw2, there is bdo, there is wow.. many other games..if they make 4 dlc a year and sale each for 20~30 each.. it basically cost the same as a sub model.. and it is already proven that we don't have enough player willing to pay 100+ a year to play this game.
ESO will be fineam ok with buying dlc, and i do have dlc.. it is the future of eso am worried about..
Yes I would buy the DLCs or I would sub as I am doing now. Just because it has 10+ DLCs after 3 years and you just started the game doesnt mean you have to buy them all at once. You can buy them one at a time. And yes people that like the game will do that. People spent $15 a month for WoW for 10 years on top of purchasing each expansion. If they like ESO they will buy them here too.let me ask you a simple question: Lets say you are a big elder scroll fun. you found out this game 4 years from now. by then this game should have 12(upcoming)+3(released)=15 dlc. each DLC cost around 20~30 dollars. lets take 25 for average.
4 years later if you want to start the game with full content without sub, it will cost you.. 375(dlc)+60(base game) = 435 dollars
are you.. or are you not willing to pay 435 dollars to play an mmo that you don't know much about??
p.s. sure you can sub, but have already been prove that we don't have enough player base to support a sub model, that is why eso went b2p one year from now..
4 years later if you want to start the game with full content without sub, it will cost you.. 375(dlc)+60(base game) = 435 dollars
are you.. or are you not willing to pay 435 dollars to play an mmo that you don't know much about??
KaleidoscopeEyz wrote: »You need to release DLC quarterly or run the risk of your player base becoming board and leaving for another game. I'd rather have too much content than not enough. I'm not forced to buy the DLC. I bought Orsinium but I did not get Imperial City and I'm more of a PvE'er.