I am going to put this very simply so your fourth grade education can comprehend it. Disclosure I'm trying this on a mobile phone so I'm not going to spell check it so don't be crude also I am not bashing a individual employe due to the fact I do not want to break the code of conduct and have my thread closed because the leadership at zenimax wants to sensor criticism. The first month of cyrodil their was no latency, at least for me and my friends let me know if you experienced otherwise. Than you implemented the Lightning patch and my ping started to rise progressively every update sience. Let's be honest class balance has never been a thing yes 1.5 was fun but mag dk was a bit op and all stamina classes were a bit underpowered, btw I personally enjoyed 1.6 the best. Endgame pve content has also been an issue with out the scaling of old content and sets has made endgame very limited to what it could be. Although I personally don't care about pve but I can sympothize. All we can't is a game that we can play for years to come.
Me and most of the end game pvp players in this game will be very content with a little bit of work on your end.
1) lag is fixed or greatly reduced!
2) adding capiturable objectives to ic and the towns of cyrodil.
3) class balance
I am going to elaborate on this issue the way I see it should go, I would say u go ahead and do it Zeni but well you don't have a great track record......
Every class should have a single target spamable ability with bolth a stamina and Majica morph, shields need to either be criable or have a soft cap on their size, I will get into shield breaker latter. Heavy armor needs to be looked at an all abilities need to be looked at damage numbers wise, also the streak block and dodge rool nerfs need to be looked at.
And finally I would like to say when you do add Ava u need to look at the sets like Phoenix and shield breaker and rework the 5 piece bounus or make it a different 5 piece in AVa.
[Edited to remove demands and threats]
Edited by [Deleted User] on March 28, 2016 12:03AM