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Why PvP is no Fun anymore @Zenimax

Dear Community and Zenimax ,
Im nearly done with that game, are you even care about PvP?
We (me and a friend) switched at 4am to Spellbreaker and we found 20 ads which are nightcapping the camapaign after we wiped them serveral times where they were splitted they blobbed together so there was no chance to take anyone of them down, cause thanks tothe Healers are able to kill your burst.
You want nice PvP, but all what we got right now is a burst,siege and zergmeta .
We have people who are stacking v Death jumping inside enemys bombing, and they are dead, (unfortunally who thought v.death is bugged procks like finisher).
On the other hand we have the zergs who are just running over you and dont even care about the changes you did, cause overheal and shild stacking is still real.
Oh well i forgot the siegemasters which are hiding behind the zergs and sieging.
You wanted to buff smallscale but....

1.You changed rapid to a spell which is bugged losing the speed after one sec on the horse while not in combat...
2.You destroyed line of side by making gapcloser op.(0,75sec snare) (stacking at lotusfan)
3.You bugged Crit rush its nearly useless like tumbling charge. (Oh well Spambush is still working *Suprise*)
4.You screwed the cloak, aswell the invisible bats.
5.Then we have unbreakable cc like Reb bash, aswell you are sliding sometimes after Wb over the ground.
6.Magicka Dks are still useless we should have a selfheal, now we got burning ember honestly Zos, its a dot we had Green Dragonblood but no you just patched it down no magicka Dragonknight is anymore able to kill propper good player in 1 vs x aswell fighting healers in a 1 vs x sistuation is just pointless.
7.The change to Meteor just made the game more broken, you get Rollbacks all the times in lag, you have to block 3 sec before it hit and 3 sec after it hit to avoid the rollback during that time you lose all your stamina cause you block aswell evry otherabillity. Reflect of the Dk is useless.. except against overload junkies.
8.You protected evry Casual player that they are not dieing if you run a sustain build and have to fight 1 vs x you get just killed cause they outnumber you more or even siege you while you have to watch on your ressource, if they have 2 templars its just Rip, cause you cant burst them down.
9. Camohunter is still procking twice or even more.
10. Overload yeah Zos spamming the left button on your Mouse is skill, which have to deal 8k or even more Dmg in PvP.
11. Shuffe is stackable
12. Radiant Destruction is oneshotiing you at 40% of health,aswell DarkFlare isnt balanced in comparison to other classes Dmg.
13. Aoe Caps "no comment anymore "
14. Rezzing still to strong in the game
15. Heavy Amror is useless but you want to fix it in Dark Brotherhood? *Really*

Dont try to explain its working as intended.

Evry player who read that thread pls post your expierence with PvP atm here.
And to Zos, pls dont fix issues like heavy armor and other stuff with assains guild just fix it now, cause more people getting upset about such things.
Astrum is allready dead, cause our player left the game cause we dont want to zerg but we are forced to zerg to get PvP...

Why you cant go back to 1.6?
1.5 was amazing but good player maybe were to op but 1.6 was completly fine and now PvP is no Fun anymore.
Good Player like @Hexys ; Jura, Magicka De Hex, @themdogesbite ; @Karisha or other left the game.
Guilds which lost member:
B. Squad,Astrum,Necrotic Lag even more...

Im just adding you @Sanct16 aswell cause i want some other oppionion of Raidleads here aswell.

Thanks for your patience

Edited by Aiphaton on March 21, 2016 1:20PM
  • GreenSoup2HoT
    Was a little spotty but i feel your pain.

    PvP balance in this game is frustrating. Your not the first and you wont be the last to complain about it either. A lot of the issues you mentioned have already been mentioned.

    Since i play console, the thieves guild launch is very soon. My biggest concern is the influence pc streamer's have on console player's, it's going to be a magicka nightblade proxi det nightmare now....


    I've been in pvp for about half a day now and my assumptions were true. Guild's or friend's that are stacking crown using proxi have become a nightmare. Zos wanted to make a skill to combat these ball group's and now they are even more powerful.

    I'm not even being sarcastic, these group's are using proxi and just walking into us. My entire death recap is proxi. They don't even need anything else. They just abuse smart heals and run at people.

    Pvp has become a total joke now.

    Well done @Wrobel

    Your intentions to make a Zerg buster were good. However is it now plaguing the game. Siege weapon's were the solution, we did not need a stronger magicka det. The siege weapon changes and changes to barrier purge etc was all that was needed. We actually imo needed a nerf to magicka detonation, this was being used in small scale pvp and in tandem with its original intent.

    Magicka Detonation should be used and only used to kill groups who stack on crown and that is it.

    Now ball group's are all using proxi detonation. You cannot enter their radius with 1,4,10 or even 20 people. It does not matter. The amount of damage queue'd up with proxi is to much for any amount of players to sustain.

    We know have the opposite problem we had befor with ball group's. Instead of ball group's sustaining with barrier, they are now killing anyone and everyone in their radius.

    Here are a couple solution's:

    -Make Magicka Detonation require activation similar to the ability Grim Power nightblade's use. This way you can possibly CC proxi blob's and waste their opportunity to activate the ability.

    -Make Magicka Detonation only explode if 10 people are inside the radius. This will prevent the ability from being used in small scale pvp and only used for it's creation... a counter to people stacking on crown or to close together.

    You need to re-evaluate magicka detonation and you need to do it fast.

    Edited by GreenSoup2HoT on March 24, 2016 12:50AM
    PS4 NA DC
  • Reverb
    I feel like I'm trudging through quicksand all the time in Cyrodiil now. Mobility is a joke. Things feel bad in pvp right now, much less enjoyable than before.
    Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. ~Friedrich Nietzsche
  • AmalgamousPrime
    IC patch ruined PVP. They should have never upped the level cap and left battle spirit alone. Everything was viable and there was variety. Low TTK meant lag wasnt as big of an issue. Zergs werent the go-to strategy, dividing and conquering to cut travel lines and secure keeps was more effective as smaller organized groups with siege could pick apart the roving bands of two button spammers. Combat used to be reactive, not just roll your face across the controller until one of you taps out of resources. Now it just feels like a pillow fight.

    I don't think I've ever been as dissapointed from a videogame game as I was with IC launch. I remember preparing for days, counting the hours. I had the day off that tuesday, I could barely sleep the night before. The best PVP experience I've ever had on console was about to get even better, it seemed too good to be true. It was.

    Imagine being a kid at christmas again, racing downstairs and seeing a box about the same size of that thing you wanted the most that year. You look at your parents, they smile excitedly motioning you to open it. You have a feeling that this is it, the one thing that will make this christmas the best one yet. You tear off the wrapping paper and find a white giftbox. You gently lift the lid off, the box immediately loses it's weight and a putrid odor eminates from within, filling the air. The thick, noxious stench confuses and disorients you. You look to your parents for an explanation of this strange occurance, and see their smiles have twisted into a more devious, sinister grin. They beging pelting you with raw onions and start chanting "Box of farts! Box of farts! Box of farts!". You huddle in the corner, cowering under the onslaught of vile root vegetables being hurled in your direction. Your little brother seizes the oppurtunity and grabs the box of doughnuts and starts smashing them down, dual-wielding their powdery goodness into his mouth until none remain. Those doughnuts were for everyone. Merry Christmas.

    That's what IC was like for me.
  • gdefter
    The variety of classes is also depressing,like out of 100 people,10 are templar healers,20 stam nbs,30magicka nbs,35 magicka sorcs and the rest dks,and the fact that a dk nowadays in pvp is automatically considered a stamina one speaks for itself,i may be wrong but this is how i would describe the number of classes in cyrodiil.

    All aboard the magicka train now,which drains the fun out of facing different classes,it s not just the changes in the cp system,the introduction of physical damage taken reduction,but the sets themselves,and take the most gamebreakimg of them all v death for example,what tools have been left for stamina classes to use?Steel tornadooo,no!why the reduction in its radius?why?i almost feel like zenimax actually forces you to use magicka in order to take down zergs.

    And one last thing that will make the pvp scene even more boring and ugly,magicka nb + vicious death+ clever alchemist+proxy det+soul tether timed with proxy det=eso march 16 - dark brotherhood release(and yes i do hope that something changes).period.thanks for hearing me out,

  • sSolutionSs
    This is not a pvp game man, I feel you. I want it to be soo bad but its just not. TBH this is a questers and crafters game for sure.
  • olsborg
    Good points there aspirion, I agree completely. ZOS somehow managed to make pvp more laggy, more zergy, more unresponcive then it was before.

    PC EU
    PvP only
  • HoloYoitsu
    This is not a pvp game man, I feel you. I want it to be soo bad but its just not. TBH this is a questers and crafters game for sure.
    A crafter's game that doesn't even let you re-trait or re-style your gear. :joy:
  • ThatGuyCameron
    It's a mixed bag for me.

    I pulled my original Orc Templar together that had been gathering dust, fitted him for stamina, and took him into Blackwater Blade. Most fun I've ever had on PvP, killed more people than ever in just one day. Had some hard fights I learned a lot from.

    That said, the server was fully red, and later on the server pop died until it was nothing but red zerg. I rode around on horseback endlessly in the pursuit of a smaller-scale fight, it didn't happen. I wouldn't be as disappointed if this wasn't the only non-Vet PVP available in the entire game. But, it is. Likewise Scourge is another red campaign, Haderus is yellow, and Azura's is usually blue but is at least contested somewhat. Not sure on the others.

    Emp/Scroll farming is sucking the life out of PVP I'm only now beginning to get a taste for.
    Edited by ThatGuyCameron on March 21, 2016 10:20AM
    Ebonheart EU Xbox One
  • olsborg
    Yes one big issue with pvp is every camp is one sided, and most are zerged or nightcapped by dc zergguilds (EU), the only camp in eu thats evenly balanced and has good fights is lagged af and unplayable.

    PC EU
    PvP only
  • Draxys
    This game started dying a long time ago and it's finally approaching its last breaths. It started with the (quite literally) unplayable fps bug. Took another giant hit when pvp gameplay was slowed way down by taking camps out (they needed fixing but it became a horse riding sim). The unnecessary 1.6 overhaul that no one asked for was another. And it goes on and on and it will until the only people left are the people who quest in first person.

    rip decibel
  • RoamingRiverElk
    So many accurate points in this thread. And now ... You know what really killed magicka DKs? The nerf to blocking and dragon blood. It's crucial for magicka DKs to be able to block constantly. The final teabag was meteor no longer being reflectable.
    Dalris Aalr - Magicka (Stamina) DK | Dalfish - Magicka Sorc | Dal Aalr - Magicka Warden | Dalrish - Mag/Stam NB | Irana Aalr - PvE Templar
  • Brrrofski
    I honestly don't know what ZOS are thinking sometimes. So many questionable decisions being made.

    The worst thing for me is when they acknowledge that there's a problem and then say we'll fix it next DLC. In 3 months.

    They needed do smaller patches like twice or three times between DLCs.
  • kuro-dono
    lol you sods have no idea how alive the game is, maybe pve part is dying, but not pvp.
  • Durham
    gdefter wrote: »
    The variety of classes is also depressing,like out of 100 people,10 are templar healers,20 stam nbs,30magicka nbs,35 magicka sorcs and the rest dks,and the fact that a dk nowadays in pvp is automatically considered a stamina one speaks for itself,i may be wrong but this is how i would describe the number of classes in cyrodiil.

    All aboard the magicka train now,which drains the fun out of facing different classes,it s not just the changes in the cp system,the introduction of physical damage taken reduction,but the sets themselves,and take the most gamebreakimg of them all v death for example,what tools have been left for stamina classes to use?Steel tornadooo,no!why the reduction in its radius?why?i almost feel like zenimax actually forces you to use magicka in order to take down zergs.

    And one last thing that will make the pvp scene even more boring and ugly,magicka nb + vicious death+ clever alchemist+proxy det+soul tether timed with proxy det=eso march 16 - dark brotherhood release(and yes i do hope that something changes).period.thanks for hearing me out,

    Magicka is OP right now... Stamina dps requires more resources management so drinks are required for this style (high weapon damage builds) ... ultimates are based on resources this hurt stamina dps players... Dragon Leap was really hurt by this... stamina dks are hurting to, all stamina is...

    Anytime you take a whole meta decrease overall damage 15 to 25% your going to hurt it severely...
    Edited by Durham on March 21, 2016 11:19AM
    PVP The Unguildables
  • Draxys
    kuro-dono wrote: »
    lol you sods have no idea how alive the game is, maybe pve part is dying, but not pvp.

    If you're a troll, it's hard to tell.

    If you're serious, you're delusional.

    rip decibel
  • cazlonb16_ESO
    Draxys wrote: »
    kuro-dono wrote: »
    lol you sods have no idea how alive the game is, maybe pve part is dying, but not pvp.

    If you're a troll, it's hard to tell.

    If you're serious, you're delusional.

    Maybe just a typo and the poster meant to say the reverse ? Never know on the interwebs of course.

    By my estimate, EU PC has less than 10.000 even somewhat regular PvP players. Business overall seems to be good though, thanks to two dlcs that are very good at what they want to be. Unfortunately the "PvP focussed" one was botched.
  • Bashev
    Good points, good points.
    Sadly, ZoS answer right now is "Who cares for PvP? There is no cash in that."
    Because I can!
  • GrigorijMalahevich
    Bashev wrote: »
    Good points, good points.
    Sadly, ZoS answer right now is "Who cares for PvP? There is no cash in that."

    Actually its PvP players that need the most Orsinium and IC. IC for extra PvP area and Orsinium to farm material and craft V16 gear + Maelstrom Arena...

    Very sad to see so many good PvP players leaving...
    PC/EU 800 CP.
    PvP MagSorc.
    Pedro Gonzales - Mag Sorc EP vMA Flawless Conqueror clear
    Valera Progib - Stam Sorc DC vMA Flawless Conqueror clear
    Valera Pozhar - Mag DK EP vMA Flawless Conqueror clear
    Valera Podlechi - Mag Templar AD vMA Flawless Conqueror clear
  • Emma_Overload
    What does OP mean by "Shuffle is stackable"?
  • Bulljoker
    i am telling this stuff to myself every godamn day.. why i am still playing this game, maybe it's time to go back to WoW, there's atleast a little bit of a balance, but blizzard also dont give a *** about pvp.. BUT we dont need to wait 3-4 months for BIG UPDATE for balancing lol.. guess what zenimax,you can do it in one month,even less
    PC EU
    EP - Bull the Ironbreaker - MagDK
    EP - They-renamed-me - MagBlade
    AD - Friendly in Cherno - StamSorc
  • Bulljoker
    What does OP mean by "Shuffle is stackable"?

    i heard something about the more times you use Shuffle then more chance to dodge you have
    PC EU
    EP - Bull the Ironbreaker - MagDK
    EP - They-renamed-me - MagBlade
    AD - Friendly in Cherno - StamSorc
  • Airyus
    Mag DK isn't that bad. Just sayin...
  • GreenSoup2HoT
    Bulljoker wrote: »
    What does OP mean by "Shuffle is stackable"?

    i heard something about the more times you use Shuffle then more chance to dodge you have

    Nope. Elude a morph of shuffle could have its duration stacked. This is fixed in TG dlc tho.

    Im not sure if the same bug exists for shuffle though.

    It could also be stacking dodge chance but that would be broken and most likely fixed right away.
    PS4 NA DC
  • SneaK
    I think they need to shut down some campaigns, and they need to give more reward for actually playing the objectives. Currently, nobody gives a rip about winning or losing, all everyone does is just AP farm. It's the least competitive PvP game I own at this current point in time. Aside from the lag, that is my biggest issue.
    Aldmeri Dominion
    Bosmer Nightblade AR 32 - Altmer Templar AR 26 - Dunmer Dragonknight AR 18 - Altmer Sorcerer AR 20 - Khajiit Dragonknight AR 18
    (+3 not worth mentioning, yet)
  • The-Baconator
    IC patch ruined PVP. They should have never upped the level cap and left battle spirit alone. Everything was viable and there was variety. Low TTK meant lag wasnt as big of an issue. Zergs werent the go-to strategy, dividing and conquering to cut travel lines and secure keeps was more effective as smaller organized groups with siege could pick apart the roving bands of two button spammers. Combat used to be reactive, not just roll your face across the controller until one of you taps out of resources. Now it just feels like a pillow fight.

    I don't think I've ever been as dissapointed from a videogame game as I was with IC launch. I remember preparing for days, counting the hours. I had the day off that tuesday, I could barely sleep the night before. The best PVP experience I've ever had on console was about to get even better, it seemed too good to be true. It was.

    Imagine being a kid at christmas again, racing downstairs and seeing a box about the same size of that thing you wanted the most that year. You look at your parents, they smile excitedly motioning you to open it. You have a feeling that this is it, the one thing that will make this christmas the best one yet. You tear off the wrapping paper and find a white giftbox. You gently lift the lid off, the box immediately loses it's weight and a putrid odor eminates from within, filling the air. The thick, noxious stench confuses and disorients you. You look to your parents for an explanation of this strange occurance, and see their smiles have twisted into a more devious, sinister grin. They beging pelting you with raw onions and start chanting "Box of farts! Box of farts! Box of farts!". You huddle in the corner, cowering under the onslaught of vile root vegetables being hurled in your direction. Your little brother seizes the oppurtunity and grabs the box of doughnuts and starts smashing them down, dual-wielding their powdery goodness into his mouth until none remain. Those doughnuts were for everyone. Merry Christmas.

    That's what IC was like for me.

    Same for every console player I know. To think I once had to wait in a 250 que at 4:30 a.m. EST as a DC player, and that was 1-2 months post launch. Now Azuras feels less populated than the old buff servers with half of each factions population in the arena mindlessly zerging eachother or farming stones in groups of 20-30. Its just sad.
    First PS4 NA Grand Overlord, Stormproof, and Flawless Conqueror.
    Potato Lord of Atrocity
  • Lokey0024
    Lag has driven alot of players away. If you end up watching a slideshow while blockcasting with no visual cue, how long can this hold interest. I hope TG fixes some of these problems. Ps4 na
  • flguy147ub17_ESO
    SneaK wrote: »
    I think they need to shut down some campaigns, and they need to give more reward for actually playing the objectives. Currently, nobody gives a rip about winning or losing, all everyone does is just AP farm. It's the least competitive PvP game I own at this current point in time. Aside from the lag, that is my biggest issue.

    Actually, i am just trying to AP farm this week since i am only vet 5 now, i dont have enough AP yet to buy monster set. So yeah i care more about AP farming as of now. But thats the way ZOS designed the game, if you AP farm you can get the gear you want. I know many long term players have plenty of AP but not everybody is long term or some people like me switched to console. IF i was on PC, i would be done with this game because i would have WAY more MMO options. I have never seen a game make so many bad design choices than this game, and what sucks is that nthey totally nailed some things as well so it turns into a love/hate type of thing. I think they just dont know what to do with PVP and how to fix the lag which lag in PVP without question will cause you to lose players. But yeah i think they are moving way more into PVE now but people are already clearing trials on PC and i think they did within a few days. So sad its that easy. Should take months for the best guilds to clear, not a couple days.
  • CoCoMania000
    I am totally with you @Aiphaton . PvP has become redicilous. While I personally can adjust to changes (doesnt mean I like them), I just cannot get over these stupid lagg issues. I gave up fighting - I am just shooting with my balistas, at least it doesnt take me 5+ seconds to switch weapons.

    It´s a shame so many good players left the game from all 3 factions. So many good guilds disappearing.. But I can understand them - though I think Zos doesnt really give a ***

    EU - PC (EP)
  • FloppyTouch
    only issue with pvp right now is the spam of gap closers, I'm looking at night blades here -.-
  • Duiwel
    PvP is actually very fun still, you make your own destiny OP
    Join ORDER OF SITHIS We're recruiting! PC EU

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