So you tell Zenimax to implement a tool/switch to enable kicking people because in this incident you were not the group leader and thus unable to kick somebody you wanted to? Did I get this right?
Burning_Talons wrote: »Karma is a ***
Hey guys! This is sugestion/rant.
First of all, i love the new random duengeon finder, i havent encounter any problems with it... only one..
And that is only one person has the lead of the group. And this wouldnt be such a bad thing if people were a bunch of *** that rather kick people instand of learning...
This is what happened today :
So the gold plegde was The Banished cells.. so since im a tank i can find a group pretty fast via queue.
We got into the duengeon the wiped on every single boss until the last one.. in each i lost my patient and kicked the guy (after consulting with the rest of the group). We found a replacement pretty fast and everything was doing fine but we were strugglin wth the last boss... So for the 4th time today i explained the tatics to defeat him..
The new dps that just joined got the lead somehow, but the guy kept on dying by standing in the fire.. again i lost my patient and told him to get out of the god damn fire and kill the adds instead of dps the boss.
The guy kicked me. I was in that duengeon gor 1.30h , teaching people how to do it and trying to be helpfull and i got kicked because some dumb guy got the lead!
In the end i didnt finish my pledge and i have to go work so im not gonna finish it today.
My suggestion :
Add a vote to kick instead of 1 person having all the power. If the group thinks someone should leave they will vote yes, if no they'll vote no .
I lost 1.30h of the small time i have in my hands to play because of something stupid like this.
Thank you all for the attention (sorry for any spelling mistakes)
Yes you kicked someone based on your opinion and someone kicked you based on theirs. Sounds fair... Working as intended.
FLuFFyxMuFFiN wrote: »Seems a little hypocritical to me.
I asked the rest of the group if i should kick him or not the other 2 said yes. Did i wrote something wrong or did u guys not read the "after consulting with rest of the group" part?
@Menelaos I dont even know how to anwser to that. If someone doesnt know the mechanics to defeat a boss.. Shouldnt i. That knows them teach him?I asked the rest of the group if i should kick him or not the other 2 said yes. Did i wrote something wrong or did u guys not read the "after consulting with rest of the group" part?
Maybe when he kicked you he first "consulted" with the others because he had enough of you telling people how to f***ing play? Anyway, since you also had the group lead on several prior occasions I find your thread title pretty revealing.
FLuFFyxMuFFiN wrote: »Seems a little hypocritical to me.
Ur missing the point.
You kick someone because they refuse to listen to you and the rest of the group and are ruining the duengeon for everyone.
You kick then for shoutting at you for always dying and wiping the rest of the group.
And again whenni kicked the other dps was with the permition of the rest of group. Not only my opinion
I cannot give you the answer to that. Only you can. And no, I am not trolling. How often I heard that people were kicked because they didn't play the way some father figure wanted them to is beyond count. I am very sorry for your loss of 90 minutes life time. I hope next time you will find more joy when doing Banished Cells, I really do; either as leader, as consultant or a consulted one.What gives me the right o kick people for no reason?
FLuFFyxMuFFiN wrote: »Seems a little hypocritical to me.
Ur missing the point.
You kick someone because they refuse to listen to you and the rest of the group and are ruining the duengeon for everyone.
You kick then for shoutting at you for always dying and wiping the rest of the group.
And again whenni kicked the other dps was with the permition of the rest of group. Not only my opinion
Hey guys! This is sugestion/rant.
First of all, i love the new random duengeon finder, i havent encounter any problems with it... only one..
And that is only one person has the lead of the group. And this wouldnt be such a bad thing if people were a bunch of *** that rather kick people instand of learning...
This is what happened today :
So the gold plegde was The Banished cells.. so since im a tank i can find a group pretty fast via queue.
We got into the duengeon the wiped on every single boss until the last one.. in each i lost my patient and kicked the guy (after consulting with the rest of the group). We found a replacement pretty fast and everything was doing fine but we were strugglin wth the last boss... So for the 4th time today i explained the tatics to defeat him..
The new dps that just joined got the lead somehow, but the guy kept on dying by standing in the fire.. again i lost my patient and told him to get out of the god damn fire and kill the adds instead of dps the boss.
The guy kicked me. I was in that duengeon gor 1.30h , teaching people how to do it and trying to be helpfull and i got kicked because some dumb guy got the lead!
In the end i didnt finish my pledge and i have to go work so im not gonna finish it today.
My suggestion :
Add a vote to kick instead of 1 person having all the power. If the group thinks someone should leave they will vote yes, if no they'll vote no .
I lost 1.30h of the small time i have in my hands to play because of something stupid like this.
Thank you all for the attention (sorry for any spelling mistakes)
Yes you kicked someone based on your opinion and someone kicked you based on theirs. Sounds fair... Working as intended.
I asked the rest of the group if i should kick him or not the other 2 said yes. Did i wrote something wrong or did u guys not read the "after consulting with rest of the group" part?
Forestd16b14_ESO wrote: »Hmm sounds like Karma decide to slap some of her wrath into you.
Maybe next time don't be "that guy" and talk to the guy instead of just kicking.
Burning_Talons wrote: »Yes you kicked someone based on your opinion and someone kicked you based on theirs. Sounds fair... Working as intended.
I asked the rest of the group if i should kick him or not the other 2 said yes. Did i wrote something wrong or did u guys not read the "after consulting with rest of the group" part?
You dont kick someone who ran through the WHOLE dungeon with you thats a waste of time if you want a new group then you leave
Burning_Talons wrote: »Yes you kicked someone based on your opinion and someone kicked you based on theirs. Sounds fair... Working as intended.
I asked the rest of the group if i should kick him or not the other 2 said yes. Did i wrote something wrong or did u guys not read the "after consulting with rest of the group" part?
You dont kick someone who ran through the WHOLE dungeon with you thats a waste of time if you want a new group then you leave