I was playing fine without crashes or problems until today, March 17..
Nothing on my computer has changed. When I logged in today I experienced numerous error messages, unable to log in, game crashing before character select, game crashing after character select, game crashing once I was able to get in the game, over 26 error messages and game crashes in the time I tried to play.
For the past 8 hours I have tried everything, running in both 32 bit and 64 bit, repaired the game twice, ran the Zenimax Connectivity troubleshooter, adjusted all my Nvidia settings to performance, deleted the usersettings file, turned off all add-ons, upgraded Master Merchant.. much more that I have forgotten... and yet I am still crashing, crashing crashing : (
I submitted a ticket, good luck to me and all who have done so, sounds like no one afflicted with these crash issues has had any luck with that. Well, if it is not fixed, ESO will lose a player here since release, and possibly our guild, because I doubt my teammates will stay here without me if I can't play with them.
I am attaching the Game Consultant file that I just ran. If anyone has any ideas, please help me get back in the game.