I'm sorry but I understand looking for players to do a difficult dungeon or trial and requiring the specific achievements. I've met quite a few players who refused to listen to my group's advices and, for example, continued to dps in full heavy armor and sword and shield. This situation really happened and the guy was vr14 (it was before the vr16 update). Nobody wants to work twice as hard to complete the dungeon just because one person refuses to learn. Elitism is bad, of course, I'm not saying it's not, just don't forget about the other side of the coin. I've been stuck in a bad group many times, trying to complete an easy dungeon for over an hour and then been called names for quitting. It's not like bad players are always nice and always try to improve themselves. I'm paying for the game and I'm choosing who to spend my time with, and I spent enough of my time trying to teach people who knew better/didn't react at all/could barely speak english/refused to join teamspeak. I guess people who group up only with those who have achievements just want to have a fun, painless run. I doubt they are sooo proud of themselves because they are 'elite', they just want to avoid frustration.
Master Anglers only
I've met some absolutely horrendous vr16 players recently for undaunted. Genuinely had no clue how to fight some of the bosses.
If you're wearing different monster helm and shoulder set with "fighters guild victor" as your title you arent exactly putting yourself in the shop window.
KoshkaMurka wrote: »Well, I finished all trials and hardmodes (except vMoL obviously), but my vMA char often wears Volunteer title.Same for my pvp char. And my dsa char, who wears mismatched monster set (kena helm and bloodspawn shoulder) on top of that XD Simply because it compliments my maelstrom weapons.
I pug sometimes when I just need some undaunted exp and almost all dungeons are *** easy anyway. I found my current teammates in random groups - one was for banished cells at lvl9, another was a spontaneous SO run, so imo pugging can be quite benificial.Not all "randoms" you meet are bound to be bad.
Though if I'm LF1M for vWGT or something, I would prefer those who link the achievement for clearing the dungeon. And tbh I dont find stormproof sorcs that impressive, since I know how easy it is on sorcs. Flawless non-sorc (especially stamina build), that is something much more impressive.
the vast majority of the playerbase cannot complete vma at all so your stance on maybe flawless (which less than 1% of the population has) but only flawless if its not a sorc is considered good by your standards. Hate to break it to you but sounds a bit elitist.
Toxic_Hemlock wrote: »I avoid all group dungeons and content for many reasons, and most of those have been posted in this thread. Thanks for not making me regret my decision.
Yours Truly
A Pug
I think way too many people tend to get mixed up with elite and elitist. The elite, to me, is people who are maybe the top 5% of players. The godly tanks who tank the whole frigging world while healing at the same time. Them healers who make trials look ezmode. Dat dps who blow bosses up in 20 seconds. These people sometimes prefer to play with their friends who are on the same level as them and I find nothing wrong with this cos they all have their reasons.
Elitist... Now this to me is a downright snob. Someone who isnt necessarily an elite player. Maybe thyre noob. Maybe thrye above average. Maybe they are truly elite. Whatever the case, the common link between them is that they are snobbish. They are the ones who link their FTC in every single trash pull/boss pull and say things like i carried you guys, your dps sucks, you should copy my build etc etc
You can be an elite player who prefers to play with other elite players without being elitist. Good players dont have the right to insult/demean newer players but they arent obliged to group up with noobs either. As long as everyone is polite about what thyre looking for in a group its fine.
So maybe if someone is looking for a speed run of vWGT etc, im sure they will ask for people with previous achieves and a gauge on dps etc etc. But this is a little overboard for a regular pledge run and I for one, have not seen this happening on NA PC, AD/DC. The most ive seen is, v16 group lfg v16 dps(tank/healer) gold key. Sometimes they state "experienced" as well when the pledge is COA/WGT/ICP.. Which to me is completely fine. These guys are just not interested in carrying and want to get the boring pledge over and done with after the 10000th time with no helm (maybe?).