1. Vicious Death (would be bad even if it didn't proc at half health)
2. Prox Det Buff (LOL)
3. Unreflectable Meteors (LOL)
4. Buffed Siege (fine by itself, but taken in context of other stuff... awful)
5. Wings reflection costs resources (game breaking, needs hotfix)
6. Templar House (four whole fried chickens and coke, dry white toast)
7. Nerfed movement speed (seriosuly, why?!)
Joy_Division wrote: »1. Vicious Death (would be bad even if it didn't proc at half health)
2. Prox Det Buff (LOL)
3. Unreflectable Meteors (LOL)
4. Buffed Siege (fine by itself, but taken in context of other stuff... awful)
5. Wings reflection costs resources (game breaking, needs hotfix)
6. Templar House (four whole fried chickens and coke, dry white toast)
7. Nerfed movement speed (seriosuly, why?!)
Haha love the reference to my favorite moviehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ea6OET3Zi20
Stampede: 60% Snare
Lotus Fan: Immobilize + 60% Snare
Low Slash: 60% Snare
Bombard: Immobilize + 40% Snare
Warmth Passive: 30% Snare
Rending Slashes: 50% Snare
Caltrops: 30% Snare
Webs: 40% Snare
Cripple: Immobilize + 40% Snare
It's like they're TRYING to make the game as ANNOYING and UNRESPONSIVE as possible.
Yo dawg I heard you like unresponsive games so we keep you snared 60% 24/7 and CC your ass every 5 seconds while being Lotus Fan spammed at 300++ ping. Please enjoy your adventures in Cyrodiil.
As much as I laugh at blowing up the stupid zergs with VD, I hate the set. I hate proxy. I hate bombing things. These are unhealthy play styles for the game, and bandaid fixes for the overall ailment that is AoE caps.
I feel so, so bad for my DK brothers with this flappies bug. One of my close friends in this game is a mDK main who stuck it out through last patch because he loves the class, and he is devastated by this bug. He can't have fun playing the game like this, and it's painful to watch him so hurt and lost when he tries to play with us.I feel for you man. This bug *** sucks...and it's going unacknowledged.
Soloing is almost a thing of the past... I spend most of my time rallying my faction to defend Bleaker's or Chalman mine from EP so I can farm D ticks while I goof off in chats or ts, or watch streams on Twitch for actual entertainment. Everyone runs in 10 man groups these days, and if you get caught by one, the snares make it impossible to moooooove (as magicka). Heck, I've resorted to running 2h/resto on my mageblade when I go melee just so I can run Forward Momentum for snare immunity. The rest of the time, I use double staves and stay at a distance.
The siege buffs were needed. I love that part. The big siege stalls will become less common when people learn to open up multiple breaches, which is how keeps should be taken to begin with imo.
Honestly, if the game just didn't have proxy, VD, or AoE caps, and if the DK bug was fixed, and if snares were toned down by like half, and if magicka was given a source of snare immunity......ESO would be a pretty good game right now. The lag is not nearly as bad as it used to be, and other than the above, combat feels decently balanced now.
Joy_Division wrote: »1. Vicious Death (would be bad even if it didn't proc at half health)
2. Prox Det Buff (LOL)
3. Unreflectable Meteors (LOL)
4. Buffed Siege (fine by itself, but taken in context of other stuff... awful)
5. Wings reflection costs resources (game breaking, needs hotfix)
6. Templar House (four whole fried chickens and coke, dry white toast)
7. Nerfed movement speed (seriosuly, why?!)
Haha love the reference to my favorite moviehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ea6OET3Zi20
"Best damn chicken in the state."
"I got two honkies out there dressed like hasidic diamond merchants. The tall one wants..."
Joy_Division wrote: »1. Vicious Death (would be bad even if it didn't proc at half health)
2. Prox Det Buff (LOL)
3. Unreflectable Meteors (LOL)
4. Buffed Siege (fine by itself, but taken in context of other stuff... awful)
5. Wings reflection costs resources (game breaking, needs hotfix)
6. Templar House (four whole fried chickens and coke, dry white toast)
7. Nerfed movement speed (seriosuly, why?!)
Haha love the reference to my favorite moviehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ea6OET3Zi20
"Best damn chicken in the state."
"I got two honkies out there dressed like hasidic diamond merchants. The tall one wants..."
The respect number was clutch.
Half the problem is that players are slow to adapt. Many are too used to both moving stacked and just standing around in various locations.
Against highly mobile opponents who don't rely on stacking, VD becomes a pretty crappy 5 piece bonus.
Half the problem is that players are slow to adapt. Many are too used to both moving stacked and just standing around in various locations.
Against highly mobile opponents who don't rely on stacking, VD becomes a pretty crappy 5 piece bonus.
Problem is being mobile isn't easy anymore...it's almost impossible to maneuver through a fight without having to dodge roll out of bombard cheese, caltrops, talons, snares, roots etc.
Half the problem is that players are slow to adapt. Many are too used to both moving stacked and just standing around in various locations.
Against highly mobile opponents who don't rely on stacking, VD becomes a pretty crappy 5 piece bonus.
Problem is being mobile isn't easy anymore...it's almost impossible to maneuver through a fight without having to dodge roll out of bombard cheese, caltrops, talons, snares, roots etc.
Stampede: 60% Snare
Lotus Fan: Immobilize + 60% Snare
Low Slash: 60% Snare
Bombard: Immobilize + 40% Snare
Warmth Passive: 30% Snare
Rending Slashes: 50% Snare
Caltrops: 30% Snare
Webs: 40% Snare
Cripple: Immobilize + 40% Snare
It's like they're TRYING to make the game as ANNOYING and UNRESPONSIVE as possible.
Yo dawg I heard you like unresponsive games so we keep you snared 60% 24/7 and CC your ass every 5 seconds while being Lotus Fan spammed at 300++ ping. Please enjoy your adventures in Cyrodiil.
It is so discouraging.
A lot of leads and officers in my guild, myself included, are pretty much here out of spite against the strongest anti-group patches in the history of the game. No one wants to call it quits because of a bad patch, part of being competitive is adapting. What we've found is not that we're not effective -- we get more kills and more AP than ever -- it's that the game just isn't fun.
You walk in snares 24-7. Constantly caltropped, rooted, bombarded, spammed by gap closers. Everything moves slow, it is infuriating to not have control of your character most of the time. Burst damage was massively upped, mitigation was shattered. My guild used to build for sustain fights, long battles you could win by out tanking, out sustaining. None of that now. I'm rolling around as a magica build with 1100 regen because it doesn't matter. The game is reduced to bomb bomb bomb.
If I didn't have a good group of friends I want to keep together to bring to another game, I wouldn't be playing this garbage. What a joke.
I do not believe VD is procing @ 50% health. In his recent video, Alcast's health was desynced. If you add the numbers, you can see he received more than enough net damage to be killed. The original post should be edited to stop false info from being propagated.
Half the problem is that players are slow to adapt. Many are too used to both moving stacked and just standing around in various locations.
Against highly mobile opponents who don't rely on stacking, VD becomes a pretty crappy 5 piece bonus.
It is so discouraging.
A lot of leads and officers in my guild, myself included, are pretty much here out of spite against the strongest anti-group patches in the history of the game. No one wants to call it quits because of a bad patch, part of being competitive is adapting. What we've found is not that we're not effective -- we get more kills and more AP than ever -- it's that the game just isn't fun.
You walk in snares 24-7. Constantly caltropped, rooted, bombarded, spammed by gap closers. Everything moves slow, it is infuriating to not have control of your character most of the time. Burst damage was massively upped, mitigation was shattered. My guild used to build for sustain fights, long battles you could win by out tanking, out sustaining. None of that now. I'm rolling around as a magica build with 1100 regen because it doesn't matter. The game is reduced to bomb bomb bomb.
If I didn't have a good group of friends I want to keep together to bring to another game, I wouldn't be playing this garbage. What a joke.
I only disagree with your last sentence, @Satiar , which is entirely the point.
When Cyrodiil works (i.e. no lag, competitive map, good opponents, etc.) it is almost a sublime experience. Cyrodiil is beautiful, fun, challenging, rewarding. Despite all the flaws at launch it was clear that this was the case. Review after review praised the AvA zone and content while disparaging the PvE content.
Yet we stand here two years later. Cyrodiil has almost been completely neglected in favor of PvE content. And the PvE content is still a joke! There is one trial. ONE! Everything except that trial, VMA, and ICP is face-to-keyboard easy, i.e. 99% of the PvE content. On the other hand, PvP players have amused themselves readily with no content additions which is a testament to how good Cyro PvP is at its core. In fact, we don't really ask for much except minor balance tweaks along the way and small content additions to go with (new outputs, capturable areas, etc.). Do you know how long it takes to finish Wrothgar zone? <10hrs. Thieves Guild? <10hrs. Then you're stuck with stupid repeatable fetch quests long abandoned in the 90s. If they added a new tower in between Roe and Brindle by god I would fight there all weekend! I would take the scroll there!
Sigh. The writing is on the wall, and has been for at least a year. Once CU beta drops we're all gone anyway. Hell, go watch the class description video released yesterday. Amazing.
I do not believe VD is procing @ 50% health. In his recent video, Alcast's health was desynced. If you add the numbers, you can see he received more than enough net damage to be killed. The original post should be edited to stop false info from being propagated.
Half the problem is that players are slow to adapt. Many are too used to both moving stacked and just standing around in various locations.
Against highly mobile opponents who don't rely on stacking, VD becomes a pretty crappy 5 piece bonus.
What's the effective difference between health dysynch and VD procing early? In Alcast's case, none.
Regardless, what is the mobility option for mDK or mTemplar?
I do not believe VD is procing @ 50% health. In his recent video, Alcast's health was desynced. If you add the numbers, you can see he received more than enough net damage to be killed. The original post should be edited to stop false info from being propagated.
Half the problem is that players are slow to adapt. Many are too used to both moving stacked and just standing around in various locations.
Against highly mobile opponents who don't rely on stacking, VD becomes a pretty crappy 5 piece bonus.
What's the effective difference between health dysynch and VD procing early? In Alcast's case, none.
Regardless, what is the mobility option for mDK or mTemplar?
To be clear, VD did not kill Alcast in that video. The proc displayed in Recount was cosmetic and incidental. Read his thread. It has been analyzed to death. When it appeared he was half health, he was actually closer to 30% health and Radiant Destruction killed him.
Mobility for stamina builds? Retreating Maneuver, Shuffle, Forward Momentum, Shuffle? My 1.5 stam nb slotted efficient purge full time to help with CCs and fire siege.