One more lag victim

I know, lots of people already left this game due to the lag. Now I'm on more to put on the statistics. I've been playing this game on PS4 for 8 months, knowing about all the lag and bugs. Bug is a problem on this game, but we all can live with that, and we know they are fixing lots of them (for 8 months I'm living with a bug that makes me unable to get rank 10 on fighter's guild - support is going to fix it in the next few weeks - too much time, but I managed this issue by using other habilities), but the lag, OMG! I hate it, and now it is worse than ever.

A lot of people stopped playing ESO this month because of the new games coming out, and at first I was happy - fewer people, less lag. But no! More lag. I'm a PVP player and lag is an old friend, but this last month the lag got worse. I just can't play with more than 20 people on my screen, but this is happening now. I called my internet provider, they did everything to make it better for me, I tried to play other multiplayer games and it was all good. Just on ESO I have this lag.

OK, maybe if I go to the sewers or to the maelstron arena, the lag would leave me, but no! That *** was there, by my side. I talked to a lot of friends and they all have the same issue.

In my opinion, this game has the best pvp. We have siege weapons, a huge map, complex mechanics; we can play solo, or small groups, or large groups a lot of different options of classes and gameplay. But no matter how good you are, how much time you invested on this game, in the end we all lose to the lag. what really pisses me off is that this game is great, and I had to stop playing because it wasnt funny for me anymore. It was stressful, to die on pvp because someone used WB on you 5 times and you didnt see that, or in the arena when it looks like all the mobs of the round respawned at the same time and killed you so fast you couldn't react.

I hope this game get rid of the lag. It will be the best game ever, and I would happily come back and play it again, but the way it is, I will just keep rage quitting.

Thanks guys and I wish you the best.

Sorry for my english. Not my mother language.

Ps4 player
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