Okay so these are definitely some pets, mounts, costumes, etc. That I think would be a fantastic addition to Crown Store whether as Time Limited or Permanent additions to the store, but really please consider this!
•Skeletal Horse Mount: Okay so I use the Polymorph Skeletal costume for one character and this would be great for him to have, but not only that. I just think a Skeletal Horse would be a fantastic addition to the Store by far. I'm pretty sure some people will agree?
• Skeletal Skin: Sure there is a polymorph, but I'd rather be able to see the armor my character has. It would be so much better to add this imo if not change the polymorph to an actual skin instead? That and maybe add eerie glowing eyes to it? Just a thought.
• Wolf Pet & Raven Pet: I've actually wanted something like these to happen ever since the Crown Store launched.
• Molag Bal Polymorph: sure a whole lot may not agree, but this is for a more rp stand point as well as perfect addition to mascot the main big bad of the game. Not lore "breaking" since I know mages could dabble in making Polymorphs like that happen in TES universe whether to play tricks to scare or keep people away? Though for me personally, I'm a Roleplayer whom has a character who is sort a Molag Bal JR. And a lot of us Roleplayers would like additions like these to perfect how are characters are in game. Even without RP, this be an interesting addition to a Time Limited item idea? To give even Daedric Princes some love by having such featured items for Molag, Sheo, etc. This is opinion based so again imo I'd be cool.
• More Racial Outfits/Costumes: You've done Breton, Orcs, and Redguard, but I think I'd enjoy seeing some Saxhleel Costumes in the Crown Store now as well as Khajiits too! (Show the Beast Races some love here!)
From all of this, I think stuff like this is good to add and can b all possible even if some people don't agree on everything. I maybe a minority, but that shouldn't stop such awesome ideas to be possible?