I had to look up the Dragon Break, and I can say after reading it, you really can't make a case for the Vestige to have anything to do with a dragon break. TES isn't done Crisis on Infinite Earths style here. I disagree with you entirely
dodgehopper_ESO wrote: »I can see what you're saying, but the reality is your character mantled the Chim el-adabal, which leads me to think that for all intents you are also dragonborn at that point.
I had to look up the Dragon Break, and I can say after reading it, you really can't make a case for the Vestige to have anything to do with a dragon break. TES isn't done Crisis on Infinite Earths style here. I disagree with you entirely
: the last small part that remains of something that existed before
: the smallest possible amount of something
CourtneyManson wrote: »How I go about the whole "soulless" thing is that I play a character on the darker side and her reputation is just of being a heartless *** with no soul. Makes me feel the love.
I'm actually working on writing out his adventures (much of it is original, it's not just a play by play of the personal story lol). There's a first chapter so far. Would anyone be interested in reading it?
Korah_Eaglecry wrote: »None of my characters are the Vestige, none of them have been to Coldharbor and none of them will ever play that Mary Sue role.
It irks me to no end to see others decide they were the ones that did a particular thing in the game world attributed to the Vestige. Ive known RPers who decided they were best friends with King Jorunn or was the one to save him from Fildgor. For me, anything that everyone else can do with their character is off limits as far as backstory and character development. Its lazy and selfish. Some of the weakest RP/Character Development you could possibly create.
Korah_Eaglecry wrote: »None of my characters are the Vestige, none of them have been to Coldharbor and none of them will ever play that Mary Sue role.
It irks me to no end to see others decide they were the ones that did a particular thing in the game world attributed to the Vestige. Ive known RPers who decided they were best friends with King Jorunn or was the one to save him from Fildgor. For me, anything that everyone else can do with their character is off limits as far as backstory and character development. Its lazy and selfish. Some of the weakest RP/Character Development you could possibly create.
Woah there, friend, you might need to slow down.
Listen, I know there is a heavy stigma against heroic archetypes in our society today, but the fact of the matter is that the difference between a "Mary Sue" and Batman comes down to good writing. The writing flaws you're perceiving are the inability to create more than 2-dimensional characters, so they don't feel real enough to you. That has nothing to do with the traits given to a character or their connection to the main storyline.
The fact of the matter is that interesting storylines come from characters that have interesting things happen to them. Roleplaying as Jack Nobody, the Ultra Flawed Character with no useful talents where nothing ever happens to him is going to be jut as one-dimensional as The Flawless Hero, and just as boring to read.
If you don't like to RP main storyline, that's one thing, and I can't stop you nor will I judge you, but please try not to use blanket labels and write off huge parts of potential story arcs as "bad writing", "lazy", "selfish", or "weak character development".
In my own head, which is the only thing that matters to me since I don't RP with others, my character does all the stuff she does in the game. I might put my own spin on things, even to the point of imagining scenes that don't actually happen and conveniently ignoring the other people doing the same Coldharbour quests as me, but her character journey includes being the Vestige and saving the world and all that stuff. It's entirely possible to be fully aware that I'm a real person playing a MMO and also have the imagination to treat my character and her actions as "real" in the context of the story, as it suits me.
My other characters, when I start playing with them, will also be the Vestige, because I can treat each one independently with her own story (which might just happen to be very similar to the other characters' separate stories).
Im sorry if the thread already moved past it, but I wanted to elaborate the fan theory of this game occurring in a dragon break. (I carry a summary in my signature.... Im somewhat invested.) This is more to flesh out why this is a fan theory...
Also, SPOILERS. And text wall...
So, I guess I should touch on a few things that have been brought up already, but to start, I feel I should build the foundation.
So, a dragon break is an event where linear time is broken, and becomes non-linear. This is an event that directly involves the Dragon, Akatosh. It just so happens that the events of eso are directly caused by something that very much does involve Akatosh. When Manimarco tricks Varen Aquilarios into extinguishing the dragonfires this is not some minor event. The soulburst is a massive cataclysm that sent mages mad, shook skyrim and the red mountain and caused storms across southern Tamriel. This event warped the Mundus such that the serpent constellation grew across the sky.
The Dragonfires are key here because they are the binding tie between Akatosh and Alessia, as part of their covenant, and are what reinforce the Mundus against the Daedra. Effectively what keeps Daedra out. As they are the blood of Akatosh, I would say extinguishing them is a pretty substantial move directly against him. Not to mention the effects on the rest of the Mundus. So I would say this is at least a good setup for a dragonbreak.
Ok, now for whats been addressed in the thread.
We have the skyshards. Now, to elaborate on this, I will bring up a Wayshrines of Tamriel from ESO, which brings up an interesting aspect of the nature of mortals and the Mundus. Namely, that mortals are "moored" to the mundus. And as mortality is an aspect of the mundus... Anyways.
Skyshards Are what Akatosh uses to re-moor a soul shriven to the Mundus. In essence, the one that you use in coldharbor before returning to the Mundus is a lifeline that pulls you back. But i would raise the question if it actually remoors the vestige, or simply remains that lifeline. Beings not part of the Mundus will eventually evaporate out, this is what happens to daedra. We accelerate the evaporation by breaking their corporeal state, they dont die. So what happens to the shriven after all the events of eso...
Now one of the more interesting things to discuss, and that is the nature of Meridia. Namely, that it is thought she is a Magna Ge, or essentially, a being that could have been an Aedra, but left the Mundus along with Magnus. Incidentally, this would also make her a star. This gives her a rather unique difference from the rest of the Daedra, being that some part of her being is actually part of the creation of the Mundus, and is at the very least a scar in its fabric being a star.
Now, here's an interesting speculation, and im wondering if Bethesda and ZOS are saying that this is in some way an aspect of Magna Ge. "Mnemoli the Blue Star, or Mnemo-Li, is the most well-known Magna Ge. She is associated with "un-time" events, and it is said that she was visible even in the daytime sky during the Dragon Break. Merid-Nunda was once one of the Magna Ge before she consorted with the Daedra and became the Daedric Prince Meridia." Does Meridia, having been a Magna Ge, have some unique way to interact with Dragonbreaks? If so, then this would explain her involvement with the plot of ESO to some extent. Especially if it combines with her 'ability' of Daedric influence.
Now, I want to touch a bit on time in TES. There is an interesting thing to be said about how time actually works in TES bue to Akatosh being bound to the Mundus, a realm effectively separate from the rest of existence to a degree. What im speculating at here is that the mundus is the only place wherin time strictly 'flows.' Once you are out of the mundus in a place like say, Coldharbor, how much does the consistency of time actually effect you? Especially in the event of a dragonbreak where time is not under control...
There has been a lot of... outrage in how meridia and cadwell do the whole 'go back in time to experience another path' thing. But with Meridia's connection to the Mundus, and the potential nature of Magna Ge, I would put forth that if this is indeed a dragonbreak, it could make perfect sense in how its done. Namely, Meridia has a connection to the status of time in the mundus, and is able to use this to place a being that is loosely attached (moored) to the the mundus back into a place in the time period.
Stuff addressed in addendum in my signature
if you choose to look at it in this way, there are multiple instances of vestiges occurring at once. Are we all echos of who we were in life, all experiencing similar things along the same distorted timeframe? Keep in mind that this relies heavily buying into the convoluted nature i have speculated about above with Meridia, and then going a step further to suggest multiple simultaneous events.
Things occur like the anchors still dropping even after you have completed the main story. This also holds true for the one over the White Gold Tower after finishing the dungeon. So, is this a loose time sort of thing, or do we chalk it up to MMO?
Spacetime is shifting, things aren't constant, What does this mean for balance. They are constantly balancing the game, as it is a persistant active online world. In my opinion, a dragonbreak may also be worked to explain balance and patches in a lore approved form.
Cyrodill campaigns reset, ebb and flow, and well... idk...
Anyways, if anyone reads this, I would love feedback.
Also, @dodgehopper_ESO, is this what you were aluding to more or less?
Also, @UrQuan, @Gidorick, my lore friends
Korah_Eaglecry wrote: »Korah_Eaglecry wrote: »None of my characters are the Vestige, none of them have been to Coldharbor and none of them will ever play that Mary Sue role.
It irks me to no end to see others decide they were the ones that did a particular thing in the game world attributed to the Vestige. Ive known RPers who decided they were best friends with King Jorunn or was the one to save him from Fildgor. For me, anything that everyone else can do with their character is off limits as far as backstory and character development. Its lazy and selfish. Some of the weakest RP/Character Development you could possibly create.
Woah there, friend, you might need to slow down.
Listen, I know there is a heavy stigma against heroic archetypes in our society today, but the fact of the matter is that the difference between a "Mary Sue" and Batman comes down to good writing. The writing flaws you're perceiving are the inability to create more than 2-dimensional characters, so they don't feel real enough to you. That has nothing to do with the traits given to a character or their connection to the main storyline.
The fact of the matter is that interesting storylines come from characters that have interesting things happen to them. Roleplaying as Jack Nobody, the Ultra Flawed Character with no useful talents where nothing ever happens to him is going to be jut as one-dimensional as The Flawless Hero, and just as boring to read.
If you don't like to RP main storyline, that's one thing, and I can't stop you nor will I judge you, but please try not to use blanket labels and write off huge parts of potential story arcs as "bad writing", "lazy", "selfish", or "weak character development".
When you take someone elses story and make it your own its lazy, selfish and weak character development. Plain and simple. No where do I state that my characters are Jack Nobodies. They have their talents, they accomplish what they set out to do. But they dont need to be a Mary Sue to do it and I dont need someone elses story to tell my characters story. Seems I struck a cord here with you to get so defensive when I referenced absolutely NOTHING in your posts.
And I find it hilarious you would call flawed characters 2 dimensional while admitting to directly ripping the Vestige Storyline to fill your apparently 3 dimensional characters backstory. What a laugh.
Korah_Eaglecry wrote: »Korah_Eaglecry wrote: »None of my characters are the Vestige, none of them have been to Coldharbor and none of them will ever play that Mary Sue role.
It irks me to no end to see others decide they were the ones that did a particular thing in the game world attributed to the Vestige. Ive known RPers who decided they were best friends with King Jorunn or was the one to save him from Fildgor. For me, anything that everyone else can do with their character is off limits as far as backstory and character development. Its lazy and selfish. Some of the weakest RP/Character Development you could possibly create.
Woah there, friend, you might need to slow down.
Listen, I know there is a heavy stigma against heroic archetypes in our society today, but the fact of the matter is that the difference between a "Mary Sue" and Batman comes down to good writing. The writing flaws you're perceiving are the inability to create more than 2-dimensional characters, so they don't feel real enough to you. That has nothing to do with the traits given to a character or their connection to the main storyline.
The fact of the matter is that interesting storylines come from characters that have interesting things happen to them. Roleplaying as Jack Nobody, the Ultra Flawed Character with no useful talents where nothing ever happens to him is going to be jut as one-dimensional as The Flawless Hero, and just as boring to read.
If you don't like to RP main storyline, that's one thing, and I can't stop you nor will I judge you, but please try not to use blanket labels and write off huge parts of potential story arcs as "bad writing", "lazy", "selfish", or "weak character development".
When you take someone elses story and make it your own its lazy, selfish and weak character development. Plain and simple. No where do I state that my characters are Jack Nobodies. They have their talents, they accomplish what they set out to do. But they dont need to be a Mary Sue to do it and I dont need someone elses story to tell my characters story. Seems I struck a cord here with you to get so defensive when I referenced absolutely NOTHING in your posts.
And I find it hilarious you would call flawed characters 2 dimensional while admitting to directly ripping the Vestige Storyline to fill your apparently 3 dimensional characters backstory. What a laugh.
Well, friendo, first of all, I never said your characters were Jack Nobodies, nor did I make any mention to my own characters. I was stating in generalizations against the idea of "Mary Sue"s existing at all, which there has been literature about that I could cite for days.
I've studied the art of storytelling for the last 24 years. Trust me when I say that nothing is truly original. Orson Scott Card once put it like this: An author drags an idea net behind them, collecting bits and pieces of other stories which eventually become their own fiction. Tropes exist for a reason-- they are storytelling shorthand. They are used to quickly communicate an idea that would otherwise take the entirety of the book to write out.
Now, can we please address the fact that you are literally coming into a thread and bashing creators who utilize a different part of the story than you do to create their fan works, when you are in fact also using someone else's story to create your story. You are creating characters within a world that does not belong to you. They do not stand alone.