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Flawless Dawnbreaker and physical damage

Only DK have ultimate with physical damage (Dragon Leap).
ZOS, if you can't change balance other CLASS ultimate, then change this - Flawless Dawnbreaker.
Flawless Dawnbreaker gives % for weapon damage - so it's created for stamina-builds and must use physical damage.
I'm stamina-nightblade and i want use physical damage ultimate too. Because my CP for physical damage and debuf "Major Fracture" don't work for magic-damage-ultimate. It's not fair.

  • olsborg

    PC EU
    PvP only
  • olsborg
    Oh and I wouldnt even mind if it turned into a singletarget stab either if it did physical dmg

    PC EU
    PvP only
  • Tdroid
    I am with this. If there is 1 ultimate ability that should be physical damage, it is Dawnbreker.
  • Necrelios
    Not a bad idea, but ideally every class should have a skill line for physical damage. DK's are a good example since they have the Draconic Power or Earthen Heart abilities or whatever dragony thing it is which is basically tailored towards physical damage. A physical damage version of Flawless Dawnbreaker would be a good start, but would still only address part of the issue.
    Edited by Necrelios on March 15, 2016 11:02PM
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  • ADarklore
    I agree... it is part of the Fighters Guild and should be Physical damage.
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • SemiD4rkness
    It's almost *** STUPID that we even have to ask for this. Zos has 0 clue, seriously.
  • GreenSoup2HoT
    Im pretty sure Zos already knows about this. Its all coming dark brotherhood......

    It takes 5 months for anything to happen in this game. Don't expect posting on the forum's will achieve anything. It's all a conspiracy ;)
    PS4 NA DC
  • Fellenore_Ewalion
    It was mentioned many times before, even by meself.

    I support it.
    My Great House Telvanni did not join the Pact.
    But it does not mean I don't want to be Emperor.
  • Marktoneth3
    I would love to see this ultimate change to physical damage
  • Teridaxus
    The base vision and both morphs should be physical.
    There are more than enough magic ultis in this game.
  • Fellenore_Ewalion
    The base vision and both morphs should be physical.
    There are more than enough magic ultis in this game.

    The smiting morph could remain magicka damage. Flawless is the obvious physical damage dealer.
    My Great House Telvanni did not join the Pact.
    But it does not mean I don't want to be Emperor.
  • DRXHarbinger
    I'd rather one hit for 10k flame and 60% more afterwards. That'd show those wretched vampires.
    PC Master Race

    8 Flawless Toons, all Classes.
    Master Angler
    Dro-M'artha Destroyer (at last)
    Tamriel Hero
    Grand Overlord
    Every Skyshard
    Down With BOP!
  • Brrrofski
    Ultimates shouldn't deal any specific damage. It should be it's own type. So everyone hits as hard with it, stam or magic. Scales off highest stat. Then add a cp in to increaae ultimate damage. If you want super swarm or squash people with leap, you just spec into that CP.

    Everyone would have the freedom and flexibility to use any Ult then.
    Edited by Brrrofski on March 16, 2016 7:27AM
  • TheShadowScout
    Detector wrote: »
    Flawless Dawnbreaker gives % for weapon damage - so it's created for stamina-builds and must use physical damage.
    Dawnbreaker, flawless or otherwise, is summoning a magical sword which on strike releases a burst of meridia-powered magical energy. Whatever in all that magical energy effect gave you the idea it ought to do physical damage???

    As for stamina builds... ultimates scale off the nigher from stamina/magica anyways, so...

    Of course, I may not exactly be happy with the "fighters guild" being all meridia-powered monsterhunting-themed in ESO... I personally would have preferred to have the fighters guild with only "Fighters" abilities (like intimidate, or cyrodil bounties), and a second "Monster Hunter" skill line for all the anti-daedra/vampire/werewolf stuff...
    Then it would have made sense wo have some physical damage ultimate for the fighters.
    But they went a different way, so...
  • Tdroid
    Detector wrote: »
    Flawless Dawnbreaker gives % for weapon damage - so it's created for stamina-builds and must use physical damage.
    Dawnbreaker, flawless or otherwise, is summoning a magical sword which on strike releases a burst of meridia-powered magical energy. Whatever in all that magical energy effect gave you the idea it ought to do physical damage???

    The idea is called "game-balance". Simple truth of the matter is that stamina builds have no Ultimate besides Dragon Leap that scales with the stam-build relevant Champion Points, which is a tad imbalanaced, since that means that magicka builds have roughly 20% stronger ultimate damage, since theirs scale with the relevant Champion Points.
  • Brrrofski
    As for stamina builds... ultimates scale off the nigher from stamina/magica anyways, so...

    While true, you can increase it even further with the relevant CP. For all except leap, it's elemental expert now. No stam build is speaking into that, so their ults will always hit weaker.

    It's not small either. You're talking thousands of damage difference.
    Edited by Brrrofski on March 16, 2016 8:02AM
  • runagate
    The problem with this is that we use Flawless for the passive slotted bonus. It makes little sense than an anti-undead/daedroth/ww(with the FG passive Tracker) was chosen to be the best-in-slot passive weapon bonus Ultimate.

    If Flawless did physical damage it would so utterly obliterate vampires in PvP or even in PvE against bosses that it couldn't possibly be implemented.

    It simple could not remain all three of the following: passive weapon bonus + anti-daedroth/undead bonus + physical damage
  • TheShadowScout
    To be clear, I am not saying there shouldn't be physical damage ultimates. I am just saying, those with obviously magical effects should not be artificuially "physicaled" just for game balance.

    On the other hand... it might always be possible to add more ultimates.

    Or even more simply... make ultimates benefit from both sets of champion system benefits... like they get their damage from the higher of stamina/magica, they could get their bonus damage from the higher of the "magical damage/physical damage" constellations...
    There. Problem solved! ;)
  • Edziu
    to compare what I tested with changing builds...ehhh
    in pve ice coment I was hitting with 25k insta dmg on stamina build, switched to magica build because stamina slack now and hitting 35k insta dmg, scaling off to max stat, ok, but not scaling to CP

    for example balance other class skill what scaling also to max stat, NB assaination will from mericles resolve/relentless focus.
    ok, mercisles resolve is morph to deal more magic dmg from it but with not huge difference
    on stamna from relentless I hitting with it max to 21k when on magica build my minimum crit hit is from 32k to 35k.
    normal diffelence between merciles and relentless is not higher than 5k with cirt dmg but i practice this difference is more than 10k

    they called it balance :|

    EDIT: ahh and then do max dps on magica build I dont know how n other classes...but on magblade ulti generate is so very very fastest than on stam build and I almost can just spam ulti with 35% more dmg than on stamina :#
    Edited by Edziu on March 16, 2016 9:02AM
  • Fellenore_Ewalion
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    Ultimates shouldn't deal any specific damage. It should be it's own type. So everyone hits as hard with it, stam or magic. Scales off highest stat. Then add a cp in to increaae ultimate damage. If you want super swarm or squash people with leap, you just spec into that CP.

    Everyone would have the freedom and flexibility to use any Ult then.

    Sure a good idea too, but it would take a year for ZOS to fix it.
    To be clear, I am not saying there shouldn't be physical damage ultimates. I am just saying, those with obviously magical effects should not be artificuially "physicaled" just for game balance.

    On the other hand... it might always be possible to add more ultimates.

    Or even more simply... make ultimates benefit from both sets of champion system benefits... like they get their damage from the higher of stamina/magica, they could get their bonus damage from the higher of the "magical damage/physical damage" constellations...
    There. Problem solved! ;)

    Dawnbreaker is the damn name of the damn sword of the damn daedric princess! Sure lorewise and logically should it be physical damage!!!
    runagate wrote: »
    The problem with this is that we use Flawless for the passive slotted bonus. It makes little sense than an anti-undead/daedroth/ww(with the FG passive Tracker) was chosen to be the best-in-slot passive weapon bonus Ultimate.

    If Flawless did physical damage it would so utterly obliterate vampires in PvP or even in PvE against bosses that it couldn't possibly be implemented.

    It simple could not remain all three of the following: passive weapon bonus + anti-daedroth/undead bonus + physical damage

    It could since it is not sooo powerful. Right now dawnbreaker has a cast time, a relatively small area of effect, it cannot be precisely targeted and it does not deal too much damage, especially against nonmonster players!
    My Great House Telvanni did not join the Pact.
    But it does not mean I don't want to be Emperor.
  • runagate
    It's certainly true that it does little damage against nonmonster players.
    My khajiit happens to be rather whitish with an eye color that's not red but could be seen as such at a distance.
    People in PvP dawnbreaker me all the time. It tickles.
  • Burning_Talons
    Tdroid wrote: »
    I am with this. If there is 1 ultimate ability that should be physical damage, it is Dawnbreker.

    And meteor
  • GrumpyDuckling
    We shouldn't have to ask for physical damage ultimates, but... please ZOS, just give us stamina users some physical damage ultimates (aside from DK users).
  • sirrmattus
    ADarklore wrote: »
    I agree... it is part of the Fighters Guild and should be Physical damage.

    Ebonheart Pact - North American Server
  • sirrmattus
    there should be no magic at all in fighter guild skills
    Ebonheart Pact - North American Server
  • WillhelmBlack
    Already hits hard, so does incapacitating strike. If those scaled off 4000 weapon damage it would just be a one shot.

    It already is a one shot if you're a vampire and it's from stealth.
    PC EU
  • GrumpyDuckling
    Already hits hard, so does incapacitating strike. If those scaled off 4000 weapon damage it would just be a one shot.

    It already is a one shot if you're a vampire and it's from stealth.

    One shot if a person is running no points into health?
  • WillhelmBlack
    Already hits hard, so does incapacitating strike. If those scaled off 4000 weapon damage it would just be a one shot.

    It already is a one shot if you're a vampire and it's from stealth.

    One shot if a person is running no points into health?


    That's like 99% of PvP'ers.

    Stamina build. Not even fully buffed or empowered with magelight, couldn't do that last patch.
    Edited by WillhelmBlack on March 16, 2016 7:18PM
    PC EU
  • Edziu
    Already hits hard, so does incapacitating strike. If those scaled off 4000 weapon damage it would just be a one shot.

    It already is a one shot if you're a vampire and it's from stealth.

    lol, its now scaling to this 4000 weapon damage ;d

    just not scaling ti psyhical damage, psyhical penetration and psyhical crits from cp
    and you have now psyhical resistance in cp so if you were 1hit it will be just your bad, normally I hitting not higher than 1k more damage from this ult than from surprise attacks, if no this very short debuffs for 6 seconds from this ulti...this ulti for all stam build will be just useless.

    you wont get 1hit from it when it will dealing psyhical resistance. vefory people like you QQ about high burst on stam builds, now you get psyhical resistance and gtfo from stam build where ults for dps are just useless without any other buffs/debuffs while casting these buffs

    EDIT: ahh and almost forgot..with debuf from incap strike I just dealing higher damage from SA than this ult, gg balance, most ults just worst than normal dps skills for stam builds
    Edited by Edziu on March 16, 2016 8:01PM
  • blabafat
    Yeah I sounds great and all...but consider this

    It already gives bonus weapon damage. It costs 100 (less if you are a sorc or templar). If it did physical damage it would be dragon leap on Crack.
    Fire Cloak - VR12 DK - Nord - EP
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