How to increase frame rates in ESO on Nvidia GPUs - Remove GeForce Experience

How to increase frame rates on Nvidia GPUs
  1. Go to and download the latest driver for your GPU.
  2. Go to Programs and Features or Apps & Features and uninstall all Nvidia applications and drivers.
  3. Open the System Control Panel > Advanced System Settings > Hardware then click Device and Installation Settings and disable automatic driver updates.
  4. [Optional] Go to and download and install Treexy Driverfusion then use the Nvidia display removal option.
  5. Launch the Nvidia driver installer. Select the Custom option
  6. Uncheck GeForce Experience
  7. Check Clean Installation
  8. Install
  9. Open the Nvidia Control Panel > Manage 3D settings and make sure taht DSR - Factors and DSR Smoothness are both turned off.


In my experience, the GeForce Experience will kill your frame rates in most games if you use its "optimal" settings, especially if you are running Nvidia SLI. I am seeting a 20%+ frame rate drop in ESO when using the GEForce optiomal settings.

FYI: I am running 2x eVGA GTX 980 TI fTW SLI and the Nvidia GeForce Experience optimal settings can bring even mighty GTX 980 TI FTW SLI to its knees. Yes, that is right, those settings can even humble the mighty Maxwell.
Edited by blackweb on March 13, 2016 3:22PM
  • NerfPlease
    and if im not using GeForce Experience optimal settings?
  • blackweb
    NerfPlease wrote: »
    and if im not using GeForce Experience optimal settings?

    Don't start and don't even install GeForce Expeience. Just doing a clean driver install often helps a lot :)

  • Ragnarok100ub17_ESO
    Sounds like something I may have to try but what version of windows are you running? I'm assuming the "systems control panel" is the "control panel". However I don't have anything listed as "advanced system settings" listed there.
  • NerfPlease
    i like GeForce Experience
    and i will use it for different things
    i think your topic more like rumors and hearings and speculations
  • Ragnarok100ub17_ESO
    I'm willing to try just about anything to actually get back in the game and if it means I have to uninstall GeForce experience I'll give that a try too.
  • NerfPlease
    if your card do not support dx11 it will not help

    it was told millions times
  • Ragnarok100ub17_ESO
    My card supports DX11.
  • blackweb
    Sounds like something I may have to try but what version of windows are you running? I'm assuming the "systems control panel" is the "control panel". However I don't have anything listed as "advanced system settings" listed there.

    Windows 10 Pro x64.

  • blackweb
    NerfPlease wrote: »
    if your card do not support dx11 it will not help

    it was told millions times

    I think it is safe to say that the GTX 980 TI supports DX11.

  • blackweb
    NerfPlease wrote: »
    i like GeForce Experience
    and i will use it for different things
    i think your topic more like rumors and hearings and speculations

    Based on my own experience and the experience of others. GeForce Experience sucks.
  • danno8
    I like Shadow play though.

    And you can just not use the optimal settings. I never do anyway. It actually told me to use 1700X800 or something for Witcher 3 (my monitor is 1920X1080 native), which looked hilariously bad when I tried it.

    It also says I should use 2700X1600 DSR or something for ESO which just kills the framerate.

    So yah it's recommended setting are bad, but completely ignorable. Shadow play though is one of the best video capture applications out there, so I leave it installed.
  • Mojmir
    if your running a card that supports DX11,i doubt thats whats killing your fps. ESO is a CPU hog more than GPU.
  • NeKryXe
    after the last patch my frame rate dropped on dungeons from 60/90FPS to 25/35FPS and when fighting the bosses it dropped from 30/40FPS to 10/20FPS. i'm using the same systems without any changes and i didn't notice any changes in other games. i already tried to change all my video settings to low, but it didn't help. i'm going to try your tip now removing GeForce Experience and do a clean install. thanks.
  • Nestor
    If you want to test this, you don't have to uninstall GeForce Experience, you can just disable it from loading with Windows.

    Start Run MSCONFIG uncheck anything that says Nvidia in both Start Up and Services. (actually, you can uncheck almost everything in Start Up, and pretty much all Non Microsoft Services and things will run better)

    In my experience, these Video Card control panels cause more problems than they are worth.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
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  • Sharee
    Nestor wrote: »
    In my experience, these Video Card control panels cause more problems than they are worth.

    Normally i would agree, but this particular one has very good video capture component that i am using constantly (permanently recording the last 5 minutes of gameplay so i can analyze wtf just happened :))

    Old topic btw.
  • bellanca6561n
    Shadow Play, as @danno8 above noted, works fine. And I've tried many video capture programs.

    Don't use optimal settings, as he also noted.

    And, @Nestor, a wonderful contribution as always :p Non-destructive corroboration is always best.
  • Sigtric
    Not using/removing GeForce Experience is one of the best things you can do for your Nvidia using Computer, just in general.

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