Maintenance for the week of January 20:
· [COMPLETE] NA megaservers for maintenance – January 22, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EST (14:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] EU megaservers for maintenance – January 22, 9:00 UTC (4:00AM EST) - 14:00 UTC (9:00AM EST)

Looking for people to do end game content with. Xbox NA EP

I'm looking for people to do end game content with. Dungeons and VDSA, looking to complete VDSA and ICP. Also looking for a social pve guild that I can go to and group up with people to do this content with. I'm in NA EP. Been trying to complete VDSA for almost two weeks now, would like a good group. I'm a stam DPS v16, fully geared.
Edited by MidnightBlue on April 27, 2016 4:17AM
  • Mojmir
    if your on pc,id suggest joining a good guild,one i run with is dreadlords.
  • MidnightBlue
    Sorry forgot to put Xbox.
    I'm hoping you'll come around and make room for my guild ;)
  • Fignutz821
    I can help you out, username same as forum name
    CR 561+
    LV 50 Nord Dk tank/stam DPS (stormproof)
    LV 50 High Elf Sorc DPS (flawless)
    LV 50 Argonian Templar Helaer (yes its a lizard, SMH)
    LV 50 Breton NB magicka DPS (stormproof)
    LV 50 Imperial Stamplar (Jabicus)
    LV 50 khajit Stamblade (Panthrro from the thunder cats)
    LV 50 Redguard stamsorc (stormproof/AD spy)
    LV 50 Dark Elf Magic DK (stormproof/ DC spy)

    All characters are NA EP xbox1 (I bleed red)
  • Destyran
    Add me gt Destyran
    EP Nowatay Warriors is looking for more solid players we are mostly in the EsT time zone and adult laid back guild that do daily vets pledges, and vet DSA, we have 4 VR 16s that have a lot of expierience. Also master crafters with 8-9 traits. We use band to communicate offline. Address is

    GT Aries SERPICO
  • MidnightBlue
    I'm looking to do trials eventually vMoL so I prefer if there are more people who have v16s sorry.
  • Amdar_Godkiller
    We're already friends on Xbox One, MM. I'm looking to do the same. If you see REV K REPE online, just send me a group invite.
  • camelot622
    Soul Shriven
    I haven't completed VDSA but most of my guild mates have. We are working on trials right now with only v16s. Friday and Saturday we are doing trials, come check us out if you are interested. Guild is The 420th Legion
    Edited by camelot622 on May 4, 2016 6:45PM
    EP - Tank/DPS
    Xbox One NA
    Rebels Guard
  • DaWabbajack259
    Message me @ DucK onQuAcK259
    Really need help in craglorn and trials I am almost a vet 15 so please help
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