If you plan to play the game long term you'll probably never be happy for more than a year because all classes get buffed and nerfed all the time in different ways, it's the nature of an ever evolving MMO.
If you plan to play the game long term you'll probably never be happy for more than a year because all classes get buffed and nerfed all the time in different ways, it's the nature of an ever evolving MMO.
DannyLV702 wrote: »Magica sorcs can eat magic NBs all day
clayandaudrey_ESO wrote: »
So much bs here.
I have seen 1 magicka NB solo 5 Stamina NBs at once.chongguang wrote: »Hard time for me to pick one up.
Magic Nb , i heard they are not very good against stamina builds ,even after stamina warriors got a 15-20% damage nerf this patch. People also told me that they are squish than stamina nbs ...
Magic sorcerer is good , yeah they are good. However i cant forget the future plan of add 1.5 cast time to shield. I mean i dont play a class that will be nerf to the ground and useless in the future.
So any suggestion to help me ?
chongguang wrote: »clayandaudrey_ESO wrote: »
So much bs here.
According to his stream in these days , I'd say he might give up a little bit quickly for testing magic dks' solo pvp. However I also agree with him that Magknight is designed oriented to absorb damage (tank) for group fights rather than 1vX to melt people down.
I'd go Magicka Nightblade. Much better sustained DPS than a Sorc. Sorc has bad DPS, but they have Overload so they can burst bosses well in short boss fights and the burst phases in longer fights (e.g., first boss's shield in MoL). They also have a bit more survivability than a Mag NB but nearly all classes are unkillable when played right. Sorc is just slightly more beginner friendly. Also survivability means nothing in PvE which is where most of my advice comes from. For PvP either works pretty well so it's preference there.
Magicka Sorcs and Nbs are easy mode all day every day. Things you achieve on those characters have no meaning at all.
If this is ok for you, Mag Sorc is good and always will be.