Powerpeach wrote: »Was hoping for some advice from PC players on how Stamina DK are doing in pvp now with all the physical damage reduction available?
I play all four classes but my stamina DK has been my favorite for a while,
My concerns are wrecking blow can be a nightmare to connect against a good player and with the damage reduction on physical dmg im guessing take flight hits for a lot less too?
If you can barely notice it great please let me know if its got a lot more difficult to get the burst needed now to get the kills please also let me know.
Thanks In advance
SemiD4rkness wrote: »Is it so hard to notice OP is asking about PVP ?!
To the op, stam DK and every stam build is 15-20% weaker.
SemiD4rkness wrote: »Is it so hard to notice OP is asking about PVP ?!
To the op, stam DK and every stam build is 15-20% weaker.
I would say STAM DK took it on the chin a little harder because of the Take Flight change....
Also Dragon Knight have nothing to replace WB with except Unstable Flames which is a dot
I don't know what you guys are on about... I'm getting much better DPS in PVE content and I'm doing much better in PVP. as for the take flight nerf, I keep hearing people talk about it but my tool-tip still says 19k.... and my wrecking blows are consistently hitting for 8k non crits and 12-15k crits. Can't tell if troll or if I've got some weird ass bugs.
total HP with stam regen orcinium food. 5 hundings 2 engine gaurdian malestrom mace maelstrom bow. I think you're using patch notes as a crutch plain and simple. I'm Australian playing with 350 ping and find stam DK better than ever.
I would suggest in PVP to build for sustain instead of burst. Dragon Leap alone makes Stam DK the best for pvp dps. I found better results when I switched from a 4k weapon damage build with more or less 2k recovery (both buffed with rally/drink) and bursty skills, to a build with 3k damage and 3k recovery with more defensive skills.