So far the game has been running smoothly in terms of FPS on my machine (W10, i5-2400, 8gb ram, GTX950 2gb). The
two-screens loading problem that I had before is gone with 64bit.
But there are many immersion breaking bugs so far:
- Missing textures in many places/pets/horses/characters. Glowing purple colour is shown instead.
- Missing parts, legs, helmets, hole in the head etc.
- Extremely slow loading of high-res textures. It takes about 0,5-1sec for a hi-res texture to load when you approach NPCs or players (apparently this is not 64bit-only related problem but still, hi-res textures load faster in 32bit)
- Music can totally stop in the middle of a game.
- White noise can be heard out of nowhere.
- Weird and inappropriate echo/reverb on some NPC voices.
Suggestion for the future: Make an option inside the launcher to choose 32 or 64 version.
Sadly, the game is unplayable in 64bit in the current form, at least for me.
Edited by maboleth on March 7, 2016 10:19PM