I’m making this post because I feel I’m missing something and wondering if the community can fill me in on whatever I’m missing…
So have the week off and thought I would play the Blackwater Blade campaign with one of my new non-vet characters in Aldmeri…
For whatever reason, at this time the population in BB is mostly Reds, a few blues, and hardly any yellows… in fact just about enough yellows to make 1 or 2 groups, or one large group.
Though Aldmeri is the underdog in the non-vet campaign, I witnessed one of the strangest things. The war seem to be between two factions not three. Yellows verses Reds, with Daggerfall Blues being totally ignored by both the reds and yellows.
Day 1: Aldmeri yellows are on a back foot and reds own ALL the map. We have no castles and the reds are at the eastern and western spawn points. An entire day of fighting against an overwhelming force of reds leads us to gain only a couple of castles and mainly fighting for control of Alessia Keep and Sejanus outpost, while Castle Roebek is owned by the blues and is totally ignored by us yellows, and the blues come no further into our territory the whole day.
Reds own all the scrolls, while blues and yellows have none. I didn’t see a blue all day. We played an entire day like a table tennis game… win Sejanus, lose Sejanus, win Sejanus, lose Sejanus. So the battle ran between Alessia and Sejanus the whole day; understandable from yellow perspective as we want our scrolls back.
So here is the mystery... All the reds are fighting us for Sejanus, while the blues go ahead taking red castles with no or very little opposition. While the minority of yellows battle for Sejanus against a never-ending wave of reds, the blues walk in to red territory and take back both their scrolls and taking Emperor away from Reds.
The Reds don’t seem to care, they are only interested in fighting the very small amount of yellows that are on. It was starting to seem a bit odd.
Day 2: Log on to find blues now have ALL the scrolls. They have not advanced into yellow territory and they still own Roebeck, which has still not been attacked. The battle for yellows is still going on between Alessia and Sejanus, back and forth, back and forth. But the puzzle is there is nothing for us there. The blues have all the scrolls. The largest Red force could just storm into te blues and get their scrolls back and Emperorship, but they don’t. If that is not strange enough, us yellows are worse. We are all fighting in the wrong direction. Castle Roebeck is still being ignored. It is our entry point to at least attempting to get some scrolls back, but no, we focussed on just fighting the reds. Tried a few times to get yellows to attack Roebeck and head towards our scrolls, but nobody is interested.
So what’s going on? Can anyone here fill me in? Is there some secret alliance being made between reds and blues? Oddest campaign ever. Very interested to know if anyone can enlighten me to the plot here