Needed to get that off your chest? It's okay broForestd16b14_ESO wrote: »Last time it is not "Stamina DK" or stamina builds it's just WB spam and spi-to-win steel-nado. Enough about stamina already you magical QQ is getting buffed in TG in a week or 2 you can stop the "Oh stamina OP nerf nerf" threads already.
Forestd16b14_ESO wrote: »Last time it is not "Stamina DK" or stamina builds it's just WB spam and spi-to-win steel-nado. Enough about stamina already you magical QQ is getting buffed in TG in a week or 2 you can stop the "Oh stamina OP nerf nerf" threads already.
IcyDeadPeople wrote: »What are the dimensions of the cage?
Forestd16b14_ESO wrote: »Last time it is not "Stamina DK" or stamina builds it's just WB spam and spi-to-win steel-nado. Enough about stamina already you magical QQ is getting buffed in TG in a week or 2 you can stop the "Oh stamina OP nerf nerf" threads already.
Band Camp statements: To state "But this one time I saw X doing X... so that justifies X" Refers to the Band camp statement.
Coined by Maxwell
Forestd16b14_ESO wrote: »Last time it is not "Stamina DK" or stamina builds it's just WB spam and spi-to-win steel-nado. Enough about stamina already you magical QQ is getting buffed in TG in a week or 2 you can stop the "Oh stamina OP nerf nerf" threads already.
Clearly the OP is talking about duels. The better Stamina DK dueling builds do not use either Wrecking Blow or Steel Tornado.