Give master crafters the ability to change the traits on items... but make it hard / costly to do so!
Kills two birds with one stones.... solves the trait issue, and adds value to crafting which a lot of people have been crying out for.
Give master crafters the ability to change the traits on items... but make it hard / costly to do so!
Kills two birds with one stones.... solves the trait issue, and adds value to crafting which a lot of people have been crying out for.
D0ntevenL1ft wrote: »
Say someone hasn't researched traits or put time into being a master crafter, then this SEVERELY disadvantages their gameplay by simply not enjoying one aspect of the game (crafting).This is a clever idea but does not mesh with the idea that players can, now I say technically, focus on certain aspects of this game rather than having it all intertwined. Also if they wanted to become a master crafter after this idea was implemented it would take what 70 days ish? That's not faster than simply changing the horrendous RNG of this game. I say again it's a clever idea but would appear as a band aid fix for 2 problems, which we know doesn't help the game.
jyates214b14_ESO wrote: »Yeah RNG is eh, took me 50+ gold keys for my first Molag Kena Shoulder piece (thank RNGesus it was medium divine) and it's the only one I've gotten.
But I've only run vMA about 8 times and I've recieved two precise Destro Staves 1 Inferno, 1 Frost, a Precise Resto, 2 axes, a sword, and a shield. The luck has been with me for vMA.
But go figure I can't loot succession jewelry to save my life...
That and I've only ever seen 1 piece of spell cure in over 30 to 40 WGT runs.
jyates214b14_ESO wrote: »Yeah RNG is eh, took me 50+ gold keys for my first Molag Kena Shoulder piece (thank RNGesus it was medium divine) and it's the only one I've gotten.
But I've only run vMA about 8 times and I've recieved two precise Destro Staves 1 Inferno, 1 Frost, a Precise Resto, 2 axes, a sword, and a shield. The luck has been with me for vMA.
But go figure I can't loot succession jewelry to save my life...
That and I've only ever seen 1 piece of spell cure in over 30 to 40 WGT runs.
Its no different to every other part of the game.
If you decide not to bother levelling crafting and need some set pieces what do you do? Go find a crafter friend/random and pay them.
Everybody needs set pieces.
If you need food? Potions? Glyphs? But haven't bothered levelled crafting what do you do? Go to a friend or random and buy the service from them.
My point is that if you have decided you do not want to level crafting then you're already at far more of a disadvantage than thsi change would provide... but there are easy ways around it... its what fuels a big chunk of the ESO economy by the buying / selling of these items & services.
The ability for a trait to be changed by master crafters is no different at all... its just another service they can provide. Either to friends/guildies for free, or a service to sell to others.
God knows the game needs a few more gold sinks.
Realistically they aren't going to remove traits from the game... and a whole token system would change WAY too many different intertwined systems across the game to likely be easily created so is a bit of a pipe dream & just won't happen.
So the last logical option is leave drops as they are across the game, but add the ability to change the traits after an item has dropped.
But as i say... it shouldn't be easy or cheap... or the whole drop RNG mechanic is meaningless & everybody gets what they want instantly, leading to fewer people running content.