Just the top 10 cheese, overused cyro strats of today.
1. Get 50 guys. Have them all slot steel tornado and barrier. Download papacrown. Stack nuttobutt. Profit
2. Shuffle, dragonleap, critcharge, wreckingblow, and a rock. Profit
3. Proxdet, soul tether, lotusfan. Profit
4. Camo hunter, silver leash. Profit.
5. Running along the ledges of alessia bridge. Profit.
6. Two fire ballistas pointed inward on opposite sides of a resource tower, oil pot on the landing. Profit.
7. Meteors on stairs. Profit.
8. Leaping/chaining/ambushing into keeps. Profit.
9. Xv1. Profit.
10. Playing something other than ESO. Profit.
Umm.. Rylana. How many times have I seen you in the red group twice as big as any other group in Haderus over the last few weeks? You guys have a huge group hours before any guilds are online and together before they get on. Holding emp for the Red group that ALWATS TAKE THE ENTIRE MAP on haderus everyday between 10am-4pm EST everyday when NO ONES ON...Pretty sure you PROFIT from that
Umm.. Rylana. How many times have I seen you in the red group twice as big as any other group in Haderus over the last few weeks? You guys have a huge group hours before any guilds are online and together before they get on. Holding emp for the Red group that ALWATS TAKE THE ENTIRE MAP on haderus everyday between 10am-4pm EST everyday when NO ONES ON...Pretty sure you PROFIT from that
Have you actually seen the size of the yellow zergblob in primetime? Tell me youre not being indignant and saying DC doesnt zerg, too. For real, I might run in a 20 man group most nights at prime, but have you lost your flipping mind?
100+ AD, not even an exaggeration, 100+ in prime, pushing BRK and Arrius, constantly. Hell I have seen YOU there farming them too. The DC blob of 40-50 always pushing bleaks-chalman is nothing small either.
I aint gonna sit here and claim EP is some kind of underdog either, I know we have healthy pop in prime, but dont be dishonest and point fingers. I run deep as a reaction to AD and DC running deeper and deeper every week. I used to love staying 12man or smaller, but you cant against hordes like that, unless you want to just get obliterated. No amount of coordination, skills, experience, or cheese will survive a three raid stacked blob if you are running half-raid size. be real.
Also, I only play really in prime nowadays. AP is all I care about, and defending ring keeps. I completely quit caring about map control (sat my 19 guys, emp defense group for Kelleton, in BRK all night yesterday while blue kept hammering at scroll temples, no Fs given). Whoever is taking the map isnt me or any group I run.
Umm.. Rylana. How many times have I seen you in the red group twice as big as any other group in Haderus over the last few weeks? You guys have a huge group hours before any guilds are online and together before they get on. Holding emp for the Red group that ALWATS TAKE THE ENTIRE MAP on haderus everyday between 10am-4pm EST everyday when NO ONES ON...Pretty sure you PROFIT from that
Have you actually seen the size of the yellow zergblob in primetime? Tell me youre not being indignant and saying DC doesnt zerg, too. For real, I might run in a 20 man group most nights at prime, but have you lost your flipping mind?
100+ AD, not even an exaggeration, 100+ in prime, pushing BRK and Arrius, constantly. Hell I have seen YOU there farming them too. The DC blob of 40-50 always pushing bleaks-chalman is nothing small either.
I aint gonna sit here and claim EP is some kind of underdog either, I know we have healthy pop in prime, but dont be dishonest and point fingers. I run deep as a reaction to AD and DC running deeper and deeper every week. I used to love staying 12man or smaller, but you cant against hordes like that, unless you want to just get obliterated. No amount of coordination, skills, experience, or cheese will survive a three raid stacked blob if you are running half-raid size. be real.
Also, I only play really in prime nowadays. AP is all I care about, and defending ring keeps. I completely quit caring about map control (sat my 19 guys, emp defense group for Kelleton, in BRK all night yesterday while blue kept hammering at scroll temples, no Fs given). Whoever is taking the map isnt me or any group I run.
I am calling your BS.
Most nights EHJ runs 8-13 tops - we do just fine - killing twice our numbers with undergeared and under prepped members constantly in our ranks as most are not done with their sets yet.
All I see from EP is proxy det and spin2win groups and baddies that are obviously not accustomed to running into a stout group that knows how to deploy siege to counter a zerg.
EP caps the entire map and "tries" to farm AP with all scrolls and emperor during prime time - but regularly is wrecked if any of the larger guilds are on. I know AK may run more than 12 - but EHJ does not and we had epic fun at Farra LM - retaking dragon seconds after it was taken by 20 EP with our 12 man - and generally running around PvPing and doing our thing the night we had you down to BRK only. I actually had a nice conversation with Kelleton and found him an agreeable fellow and quite reasonable. However, he said there was nothing he could do to act as envoy to call off the madness of gate capping all enemies when no one was around.
When I had recently returned you sent a gracious message welcoming me back telling me that DC was the zerg faction. Sorry, Haderus is all about the EP 20+ man groups always rolling together - and if a decent sized opposition shows up (my 12 man group if we are all online for example) they regularly get wrecked with or without scrolls - and it's mostly due to your OP in this thread and their belief of how things work.
Maintaining that 20+ man group in primetime is exactly what drives the big groups to form for your opposition. We joined forces with AK to zerg Arrius the other night - and I hated doing it - but it was the only way to accomplish the goal since there were 40 EP inside the keep.
While I am not trying to start a flame war with you - I will fact check you - and I am sorry but the reality is the map gets night/day capped by EP when NO ONE IS ON to defend - and then they "farm AP" with scrolls and emp all night. It's fine with me and I won't be going to another campaign - I have far too much fun killing the zerglings - but please....don't sound off like you have any sack sitting in BRK defending last emp keep because you had nothing to do with emp getting capped - and nothing to do with capping every single keep resource and scroll on the map when no one was around. Especially when EP is regularly pushed down to one or two keeps nightly during prime time - and DC has but one group of 16+ at any given time.
One of the best epic moments was the defense at Bleakers the other night where literally 50 EP were dead because they don't know how to clear the levels and or don't have a clue about how flags are capped. I mean it was 8 of my people and like 10 from elsewhere (no idea if they were grouped in comms or anything) and we flag jumped whittling down the EP until they fell victim to the dreaded poisoned Brazilian wax technique. Oh yea - meatbag + flaming oil pots will kill any zerg
Also, don't come across like farming AP is something that makes the game fun. If AP is all you wanted I guess sitting in the last emp keep is the only thing you would want to do. For me the game is about the combat - not the sieges - not the zerglings getting smashed - it's about teamwork and winning the fights you should lose - figuring out what you did wrong and doing things better the next time so you do not - and having fun with friends. How is sitting in a keep waiting with 30 friends for the inevitable enemy group to show up and dethrone....even any fun at all? Oh..so you can farm AP that is a worthless currency and buy more siege?
Umm.. Rylana. How many times have I seen you in the red group twice as big as any other group in Haderus over the last few weeks? You guys have a huge group hours before any guilds are online and together before they get on. Holding emp for the Red group that ALWATS TAKE THE ENTIRE MAP on haderus everyday between 10am-4pm EST everyday when NO ONES ON...Pretty sure you PROFIT from that
Have you actually seen the size of the yellow zergblob in primetime? Tell me youre not being indignant and saying DC doesnt zerg, too. For real, I might run in a 20 man group most nights at prime, but have you lost your flipping mind?
100+ AD, not even an exaggeration, 100+ in prime, pushing BRK and Arrius, constantly. Hell I have seen YOU there farming them too. The DC blob of 40-50 always pushing bleaks-chalman is nothing small either.
I aint gonna sit here and claim EP is some kind of underdog either, I know we have healthy pop in prime, but dont be dishonest and point fingers. I run deep as a reaction to AD and DC running deeper and deeper every week. I used to love staying 12man or smaller, but you cant against hordes like that, unless you want to just get obliterated. No amount of coordination, skills, experience, or cheese will survive a three raid stacked blob if you are running half-raid size. be real.
Also, I only play really in prime nowadays. AP is all I care about, and defending ring keeps. I completely quit caring about map control (sat my 19 guys, emp defense group for Kelleton, in BRK all night yesterday while blue kept hammering at scroll temples, no Fs given). Whoever is taking the map isnt me or any group I run.
I am calling your BS.
Most nights EHJ runs 8-13 tops - we do just fine - killing twice our numbers with undergeared and under prepped members constantly in our ranks as most are not done with their sets yet.
All I see from EP is proxy det and spin2win groups and baddies that are obviously not accustomed to running into a stout group that knows how to deploy siege to counter a zerg.
EP caps the entire map and "tries" to farm AP with all scrolls and emperor during prime time - but regularly is wrecked if any of the larger guilds are on. I know AK may run more than 12 - but EHJ does not and we had epic fun at Farra LM - retaking dragon seconds after it was taken by 20 EP with our 12 man - and generally running around PvPing and doing our thing the night we had you down to BRK only. I actually had a nice conversation with Kelleton and found him an agreeable fellow and quite reasonable. However, he said there was nothing he could do to act as envoy to call off the madness of gate capping all enemies when no one was around.
When I had recently returned you sent a gracious message welcoming me back telling me that DC was the zerg faction. Sorry, Haderus is all about the EP 20+ man groups always rolling together - and if a decent sized opposition shows up (my 12 man group if we are all online for example) they regularly get wrecked with or without scrolls - and it's mostly due to your OP in this thread and their belief of how things work.
Maintaining that 20+ man group in primetime is exactly what drives the big groups to form for your opposition. We joined forces with AK to zerg Arrius the other night - and I hated doing it - but it was the only way to accomplish the goal since there were 40 EP inside the keep.
While I am not trying to start a flame war with you - I will fact check you - and I am sorry but the reality is the map gets night/day capped by EP when NO ONE IS ON to defend - and then they "farm AP" with scrolls and emp all night. It's fine with me and I won't be going to another campaign - I have far too much fun killing the zerglings - but please....don't sound off like you have any sack sitting in BRK defending last emp keep because you had nothing to do with emp getting capped - and nothing to do with capping every single keep resource and scroll on the map when no one was around. Especially when EP is regularly pushed down to one or two keeps nightly during prime time - and DC has but one group of 16+ at any given time.
One of the best epic moments was the defense at Bleakers the other night where literally 50 EP were dead because they don't know how to clear the levels and or don't have a clue about how flags are capped. I mean it was 8 of my people and like 10 from elsewhere (no idea if they were grouped in comms or anything) and we flag jumped whittling down the EP until they fell victim to the dreaded poisoned Brazilian wax technique. Oh yea - meatbag + flaming oil pots will kill any zerg
Also, don't come across like farming AP is something that makes the game fun. If AP is all you wanted I guess sitting in the last emp keep is the only thing you would want to do. For me the game is about the combat - not the sieges - not the zerglings getting smashed - it's about teamwork and winning the fights you should lose - figuring out what you did wrong and doing things better the next time so you do not - and having fun with friends. How is sitting in a keep waiting with 30 friends for the inevitable enemy group to show up and dethrone....even any fun at all? Oh..so you can farm AP that is a worthless currency and buy more siege?
Answer: Because the moment we leave, BRK lights 20/20 and is gone before we even get back. Most of the other EP cant defend a keep if their life depended on it, if they even show up before inner is down in the first place. Besides, DC is more than willing to pvdoor empty keeps, this is why they have such a *** to go to back keeps and scrolls day in day out. God forbid the keep is ever defended, DC just hides in Kings. Its fricken pathetic if im honest.
Look mate, take your zerg goggles off and really look around you. Your one little (8-13 is a stretch honestly, ive seen you roll up with 20 numerous times) group surrounded by another 30 DC from god knows where still adds up. Its not exactly new strat to claim one has a tiny number vs the horde, but omitting the fact they themselves run in a horde even if they dont command it.
Id suggest you take up your beef with the other red guilds, because ours barely runs deeper than Khole does. While youre at it, remind those other red guilds it would be nice if they could actually defend something (or take something contested for that matter) without us bailing them out, for once.
dap_robertb16_ESO wrote: »No-one zergs, we just solo in one direction.