Joke good vid dude (11 mins in)
Love it! Go mag blade
vortexman11 wrote: »I watched all 33 mins xD awesome video!
bikerangelo wrote: »Half hour Kena vid?
Force-Siphon wrote: »Rekt
Much better, and more entertaining then your stam blade.
Nice to see that on NA sewers are still fun. In next dlc Deto it will one-shot those zergs.
+1 for Disturbed.
Nice vid man and +1 for no Argonian swords!
caeliusstarbreaker wrote: »Nice vid man... I'm like 12 min in... I've got stuff to do today.. Will return.
A year later and you give proxi a chance? No documentary is going to forgive that! ( Despite how nice the music is )
DisgracefulMind wrote: »Nice video (:
Magicka nightblade ooooppppp.
I've played stamina nightblade quite often this patch, but I always go back to magicka. Can't stop, won't stop.
PrinceFabious wrote: »You copied my idea of using V for Vendetta intro clips!!!!!!
Proxy det magblade as well lololol
Il take it as a compliment! Nice vid
Tear it up Kena, I can't believe you never tried prox more in the past.
I see you experimenting with shadowy disguise for the guaranteed crit. I was playing with it the other week, found it breaks too easily with DoTs. With the changes to cloak next patch it might work better than currently.
nice vid.. When I saw the opening I thought I was watching that other burst magblade video again haha
nice vid.. When I saw the opening I thought I was watching that other burst magblade video again haha
Thanks! lol Yea, I was inspired by that vid and another from before it which used V for Vendetta clips. It's one of my favorite movies, and quite appropriate. I think I chose a better scene doe.
PrinceFabious wrote: »nice vid.. When I saw the opening I thought I was watching that other burst magblade video again haha
Thanks! lol Yea, I was inspired by that vid and another from before it which used V for Vendetta clips. It's one of my favorite movies, and quite appropriate. I think I chose a better scene doe.
Hehe I like being the original
PrinceFabious wrote: »nice vid.. When I saw the opening I thought I was watching that other burst magblade video again haha
Thanks! lol Yea, I was inspired by that vid and another from before it which used V for Vendetta clips. It's one of my favorite movies, and quite appropriate. I think I chose a better scene doe.
Hehe I like being the original
There was one a few weeks ago too, and then yours. I'm happy to follow suite.
That said, Haydo is the one who finally convinced me to use proxy det.I love how over-the-top lethal it makes me, but god I still think it's cheese. So op!
You should try running Radiant Magelight bruh. Mageblades excel at anti-ganking and hunting more than any other class because of this skill. You can skulk around looking for stealthed people while invis, and then nightblades can't cloak away, yet often drop their guard when they think they're invis. Also Shadow mundus paired with Shadowy Disguise = easy one shots. Try iiiit and be op with me.
PrinceFabious wrote: »PrinceFabious wrote: »nice vid.. When I saw the opening I thought I was watching that other burst magblade video again haha
Thanks! lol Yea, I was inspired by that vid and another from before it which used V for Vendetta clips. It's one of my favorite movies, and quite appropriate. I think I chose a better scene doe.
Hehe I like being the original
There was one a few weeks ago too, and then yours. I'm happy to follow suite.
That said, Haydo is the one who finally convinced me to use proxy det.I love how over-the-top lethal it makes me, but god I still think it's cheese. So op!
You should try running Radiant Magelight bruh. Mageblades excel at anti-ganking and hunting more than any other class because of this skill. You can skulk around looking for stealthed people while invis, and then nightblades can't cloak away, yet often drop their guard when they think they're invis. Also Shadow mundus paired with Shadowy Disguise = easy one shots. Try iiiit and be op with me.
I already feel opWhat sets are you running? I seen to struggle with regen without the attro stone. Does shadowy disguise guarantee proxy crit?