watcha peeps
hadn't played eso for a couple of months now but had been keeping up with the patches, updates etc, so popped in on Friday and got the taste for a bit of sword on sword action again........
anyways on sat thought id get me-self orsinium and have a weekend of it, a veritable *** sweet roll goodness as it were
but seems that the launcher is totally broken - aye indeed i have re-installed it, several times so far basickly it either wont launch at all, but it shows up in task manager as running and if i click on the launcher again then it just starts another instance of the launcher in task manager and i get "host_singleinstance" the only way ive found to close it down is via tsk mgr or it boots up the launcher but the gui is feckd up, it just shows bits of the outline in random order
so the launcher seems dead, ah well i'll just run it directly from the eso.exe well that boots it up but loggin in is a bit difficult to say the least, in fact nigh near imposable, first i reason it might have been the mods, those i have forgoten to update so out they go, well the first couple of times that seems to work but not any more that route off getting my fix of sword on sword, sweet roll goodness no longer works, Grrrrrrrr..........
i feel like im in some kinda weird version of one of these experiments -
sorry a bit of a waffle but for the tl/dr the launcher seems totally broken (i have re-installed it, several times) and i cant log-in if i do get it to boot up via the eso.exe, i removed the mods and it did log-in at first, still via the .exe, but even that seems to be broken now
im trying to avoid a total re-install but if thats the only way i'll bite the bullet over night but if anyone has any ideas, up to and including the sacrificing of livestock, relatives and hope i'll give it a go
cheers in advance