Please figure out a way, Crown Store Purchase Consumble or locking items in guild stores so those who can not purchase don't purchase accidentally, to allow the players that farm Malestrom Arena, White Gold Tower, and Imperial City Prison to sell gear to other players.
Leave out Malestrom weapons if you want although selling those would give people incentive to clear what I would describe as, well I won't say anything not nice.
One this is aggrieved aggravating as F to have to hold this stuff in inventory till you get a full set or better trait.
It's aggravating as F for players who for whatever reason don't want or can't farm these instances avensues to experment with these gear sets.
There seems to be several solutions to this issue and as I've no so eloquently pointed out its aggravating as F.
Statement of Affiliation;
I want to be able to purchase the sheer venom set and try out a few build ideas and would gladly pay for it. I have no intention of farming ICP, even though I'm lucky to have the gear and friends to be able to. In case your wondering why, any instance where you decide to throw multiple waves of trash mobs with multiple night blade adds spamming their effing stun lock ultimates over and over and over and over and over again, can go right to the thrash heap.
If I wanted to spam imoveable pots or have to break out every four seconds and roll out of talons or ground shards I would go to Cyrodil. I don't go to Cyrodil because that is not fun or engaging gameplay for me. If it's your ball of wax great.
On a better note I find the Lord Warden fight very fun and engaging.
Let the peopl who enjoy these instances sell the fruits of their labor for a profit for the love of God.
You could honestly make more money selling crown store consumeables to players them pushing DLC and subscription sales.
Players win you make money, Happy customer and you make a profit that seems like good business.