phreatophile wrote: »I move valuable items to Alt Mules that live at the bank now for this exact reason.
phreatophile wrote: »I move valuable items to Alt Mules that live at the bank now for this exact reason.
We've been asking for some kind of item lock for a loooooong time now.
ON PC there are add ons to help but for're SOL.
Yeah and if they change that then people will be moaning about bag space and having to make continous runs to the bank to craft or cook.
I think its a good idea how they have it now just pay more attention.
I always double check anything Im doing with an item especially purple and above...
While I feel for you and understand your desire to have something to keep you from making that mistake again, I think that ZOS has more important things to spend their time trying to fix, and this problem has the easiest fix of them all which is simply slow down and pay a little more attention (not trying to come off as a jerk because I know how this sounds)
For now, the best option really is to slow down and read. Check when you add. Check before you decon. You're not making a mistake when you decon by accident. You're really making two.
One thing I think they missed out on for TG was to create lockbox rentals where you pay X a month per box and 10 items each stay out of sight out of mind. You don't lose the items if you lapse, you just don't get them again until you're up to speed on rent.
They really need an inventory/storage overhaul. I still loathe the fact that one recipe takes up the same space as 200 ingots.
Thrasher91604 wrote: »You have pay a subscription for good inventory management? That's a scam.
While I feel for you and understand your desire to have something to keep you from making that mistake again, I think that ZOS has more important things to spend their time trying to fix, and this problem has the easiest fix of them all which is simply slow down and pay a little more attention (not trying to come off as a jerk because I know how this sounds)
But this is an actual UI issue, not a game play issue, because in the real world I would exactly know what is where, but due to the game mechanics it is unclear here - and the UI should be clear and not misleading. This is a valid suggestion IMO.
Thrasher91604 wrote: »You have pay a subscription for good inventory management? That's a scam.
I had to max out my bank space with crowns, because otherwise it would be unplayable as a crafter. Inventory and bank space is what equals to income in the end. If I do not have enough inventory/bank space, I will get nowhere economically.
Edit: And this will get even more obvious with the thief guild - you cannot steal efficiently, if you lack inventory space.
Yeah and if they change that then people will be moaning about bag space and having to make continous runs to the bank to craft or cook.
I think its a good idea how they have it now just pay more attention.
I always double check anything Im doing with an item especially purple and above...
Well, like I suggested it, it is just an option, you can check the box and just see your inventory in the crafting tools or you can uncheck it and it is like it is now. So where do you see a problem in this?
Edit: I mean these options are in the provisioning tools as well - you can filter those where you have the skills for and those where you have the materials for - more option is not making it worse but more versatile to use.
You have anyway to run to the bank when crafting - for me it is like that for example:
1 . get the writs
2 . run to the bank to get the food items and crafting items which I have to have in my inventory when I complete the task
3. craft all
4. deliver the goods
5. go to the work benches and deconstruct those items which were in the reward box
6. go to the bank to put away the crafting materials and the food items, so that other characters can use them as well
So I have to use the bank at least twice when doing writs.
While I feel for you and understand your desire to have something to keep you from making that mistake again, I think that ZOS has more important things to spend their time trying to fix, and this problem has the easiest fix of them all which is simply slow down and pay a little more attention (not trying to come off as a jerk because I know how this sounds)
But this is an actual UI issue, not a game play issue, because in the real world I would exactly know what is where, but due to the game mechanics it is unclear here - and the UI should be clear and not misleading. This is a valid suggestion IMO.
The UI works as intended you are supposed to be able to use items from your bank in the crafting station.
The UI fix (which isn't broken) that you are suggesting even if it just took one minute would take to much time away from more important things they could be fixing. Its not hard to take a moment to check what you are deconstructing, all items have their name and rarity right there in front of you for you to see. How much clearer do you need it to be? I keep multiple items in my bank that i don't want to have deconstructed because i am still learning the traits off them and because i take my time and pay attention i have yet to destroy something that i didn't want to. if you had paid attention to what you were doing mistakes could have been avoided. This isn't a gameplay /UI or any other issue for ZOS to be dealing with this was a player error and should not be presented as something that ZOS needs to fix when simply measuring twice and cutting once would get the job done.