i'm not asking for wolves, dogs, goats and unicorns, i'm asking for zenimax to actually put effort into creating mounts before making 2500 of them.i'm a big fan and you don't need to spend your money on mounts or anything but i'd love to buy a mount but i don't feel like spending 2500 crowns for a new "color".
if you understand what i mean? i've been waiting for new mounts in the crown store and everytime a new mount is released it is the exact same mount as before but with a different color, i swear THE exact same mounts over and over again with a different color, no different design whatsoever, i'd really appreciate it if zenimax could actually put efford into those things before releasing them for 2x the price, cause atm "if you end up buying the mounts" ur paying 2x cash for a color, i'm not complaining, i'm just trying to suggest zenimax to please do something different then change the color? not every horse, bear, lion looks the same, change the designs of the mounts, if you release another bear or horse change the nose or something? idc aslong as it is different and not the exact same..
you have 3 types in this game, horses, bears and guars. these are the only designs you have, same horse in different colors, same guar in different colors and a bear that comes with different colors, add different types of horses, add a male lion, a different type of bear different size i don't know just make it a lil different and don't just change colors
Edited by izJordy on February 22, 2016 5:53PM