Guild store idea

Ever since i watched this episode of SAO, i've wanted my own store in a game. It's a stretch so i propose this, add a filter to guild store where the tab says "Player's store" then add the ability to add quick text like "Actively taking requests" then the ability to see the player's status so you know whether or not they're online so you don't waste their time. This would allow you to target players through the chat, get what you want if they comply and leave. Also, allow players to see their own store with maybe a log. Would prefer my own instanced shack but this would suffice.
Edited by kirk_lewis_ESO on February 22, 2016 1:04AM
Templar - looking for a new job (Blame the economy).
  • babylon
    Sure but you'll need to blind bid against the other 300,000,000 players in order to get one of those 42 storefronts to do it.
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