Even on medium, im getting a 15-25 FPS drop even in areas WITH NO WATER!!
Most other games, water reflections dont have such a high framerate hit, even on very high settings. Witcher 3 for example, I can run reflections on ultra, and it has a meger 5 fps drop when im NEAR or in a large body of water.
ESO on the other hand, ive done testing with it set to OFF and set to medium, and standing in coldharbors main city I get the following results
Reflections OFF: 76 FPS
Reflection Medium: 57 FPS
"Whoa, 57 still is pretty good for this game" you might say. Yes... however, there are plenty of areas that drop the framerate even lower, so with reflections ON, im seeing framerates in the 30s. So no, thats not really that acceptable for me (personal opinion, smooth for me is 60)
What exactly is the game doing with this setting? Is it calculating water reflections for the percipitation in the sky above? Is it rendering reflections for water in the sewers under the ground? Maybe its rendering reflections for the moisture in all the eyes of the NPCs. Thats the only thing I can think of that would explain it.
Nvidia 970 GTX
i7 4770
12 ram