NewBlacksmurf wrote: »Wouldn't it be easier tho and more logical to just hit the button to change the view for a second and then swap back?
Some people want to stay in first person, despite all logic and reason.
And yes. I am one of those people.
I really don't want the game to hold my hand through everything. Situational awareness is a skill.
thunderwell wrote: »In first person perspective, it should be harder.
You wouldn't "see" the AoE area in real life, why would you want to break immersion?
Learn the different animations. If you have multiple mobs, keep them on screen by dancing around them.
But if it has the option to switch on/off, I say add in a visual.
I support this I like to play in first person but for most "hard" content you can't. First person PvP is a death sentence.
adriant1978 wrote: »I play in first person because my brain is not wired for third person; must have played too many first person shooters in my youth. This is a great suggestion and I hope the devs consider it.
That's funny that you mention that @UltimaJoe777 I actually had a more complex concept that I didn't post in this thread because it started to get to be too much and I didn't want to muddy the core concept.
I thought that perhaps we could have the following indicators:
- Standing in Red
- Red 1 roll distance behind
- Red 1 roll distance to the left
- Red 1 roll distance to the right
- Directional enemy indicators with size denoting distance from the player
Anyway, here's the screenshot mockup for that:
Low health also reds the top of the screen so that would be the indication to the player that their health is low.