First of all, YES! It's a complaining topic coming from an old and faithful player (although not so old like those coming from BETA). If you don't want to read, if you want to troll with non-constructive criticism, to throw away another "L2P" because you're good (or maybe vacant enough to do this no matter how many tries it takes), please, move along. My topic is not useful to you as well your opinion is to me

How am I supposed to even MOVE with such latency? How am I'm supposed to send ONE command to change bars and/or use my abilities and hope they'll work as intended? I send the commands, nothing happens, I send them again and then both are processed and during the whole fight my bars seems to change by themselves? While I expect to be in bar one (attack), I am, in fact, in bar 2 (buff / aoe)
Calling abilities takes so long that I have to smash the number one, the hotkey of my shields, THREE to FIVE TIMES so it can work once. Liquid Lightning? My *** (stars added on purpose) that it's instant calling. Not only there is the the time to aim (which depending on terrain is even harder), the trigger has never been instant to me.
Uh Uh... Molag Kena? Not only it's a goddamit hard to get item but its animation makes it worthless while soloing Arena. The effect, cuts my FPS by +/- 1/3. I would say "Try it yourselves. Proc it and use LL" but your super computers in the room nearby the servers might not notice (that's a joke).
What about the fight by itself? How am I supposed to bash these trolls if the giant shares the EXACT SAME SPOT as the troll, clipping through it, and thus the red border doesn't appear in the troll.
And it's not only here, in ice stage. Stage 2 for example the blades cut through the shields although it's physical damage and should be absorbed.
This content sucks, this class sucks, only elite players can handle a toothpick magicka sorcerer in this freaking Arena. I could bet with you that if you pull data from your databases to see how many players you have, how many completed this **** (stars added on purpose again) flawlessly and how many of them are magicka sorcerers you'll see that something is terrible unbalanced.
Templars and Magicka NB, your favorite classes so it seems, can hit and recover AT SAME TIME. Me? I have to protect myself, pray to it to work due the excessive lag and latency, and only then attack. You know what happens when I'm about to attack? Everything that took a while to buff is gone, and I have to repeat, including the praying time. u.u'
When I came here raging about Valkyn Skoria I ended with my tail hidden between my legs (that's a local expression, I don't hope and don't care if you'll understand as it means), quietly, because I was really wrong. I fixed my wrongs, I searched for better players to group with, and I learned how to play...
Yeah... L2P... Isn't this the cannon ball fired promptly by those players you seem to care so much? That's it, I did. But Maelstrom Arena? DOZNES (to not say hundreds) of players are complaining, even those that managed to survive this madness (although I doubt that under these terrible circumstances) and as far as I know, not even ONE official position was given.
Next DLC is coming. Even harder content getting into added to the game Ibet. I bet A LOT more bugs too. And guess who's is gonna be the first beloved players to accomplish? Templars and Nightblades, who else? What about the sorcerers? Forget about us, we're not important, let's out power stay stuck at 3k (ish) while stamina players have 4k or more. Let's talk about the basics then, the infrastructure? The stability? Heck... I'm playing almost without any quality AT ALL, game is totally blurred, so there is nothing heavy to be rendered.
You have an international game but it seems that only north-american players can handle it all ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I am the very model of a scientist Salarian, I've studied species Turian, Asari, and Batarian.
I'm quite good at genetics (as a subset of biology) because I am an expert (which I know is a tautology).
My xenoscience studies range from urban to agrarian, I am the very model of a Scientist Salarian.