Why am I being detected, when going in to mist form, even when I'm in an isolated area and already in stealth? I also believe that mist form should be a toggle that consumes a certain amount of magicka per second while in that state, instead of the current crappy 4 second use. It's almost useless due to it's expense to be helpful, but so cool looking, it hurts not to be able to use it as part of the vampire repertoire.
And I'm well aware of the exploits it was used for, but that doesn't change the fact that everything gets exploited in the game. If a healer is being attacked, do you not expect them to heal themselves to death? Do we call it exploitation? Isn't Mist Form already bound and gagged by the fact that we can't use even one power while misted? Why do werewolves have so many more advantages? Werewolves can even heal themselves repeatedly just by howling, without an enemy present. Werewolves have far more active and passive abilities than vampires. Why? Mist Form is barely fun to use because it's insanely limited all for the sake of (game ruining pvp). I just believe that pvp needs its very own set of rules and powers exclusively for that mode that stays far away from pve.
Yeah I said, "game ruining pvp". Elder Scrolls, the original games were not about pvp (obviously). So powers being toned down to the point of uselessness, contradicts the idea of feeling free to be what we as players want to be. Pvp is all about combat and the attempt of beating another player, yet gets contradicted because ZoS is constantly trying to make sure no power is better than the other. Yet isn't that futile if players are always going to complain about being defeated, because a combatant used a move far more than they think they should have used it?
Nightblades are complained about for their one-shot critical kill potential. Sorcerers, for their teleporting and lightning galore and such. Greatsword wielders, for overusing wrecking blow. Templars for spear-jabbing to death. Almost everybody sneaks around seemingly like a "coward" looking for an advantage from the shadows. And I won't even get in to Dragon Knights.
Yet if we're all in a dungeon with our overused abilities, no one complains that their being used to death, because we all have a common goal - beat the dungeon and get the rewards. As soon as you bring pvp in to the equation - everything that' great gets screwed to high heaven with screams of nerfing, so no one can ever keep anything nice because another player will whine about proverbial balance. People always want to know what will happen when things are evenly matched, like that analogy. The unstoppable force meets the immovable object - what happens? The answer is nothing because they cancel each other out. And that's boring. A David and Goliath scenario has always been more impressive and entertaining.
My apologies, and thank you for reading my rant of annoyance. Nothing personal to anyone that actually loves pvp, I'm just tired of it messing up MMOs and the creative prerogative of players that want an adventure, that isn't contingent on if it'll pan out well when we fight each other.
Edited by Ethromelb14_ESO on February 16, 2016 6:07PM Motto: Make deceivers believers.
Strength of character is not a physical thing. -EWalking a mile in someone else's shoes, has nothing to do with the path taken. -E
An accusation of elitism, is an indirect recognition of one's own inferiority. -E
The best way to prove someone wrong, is to do better yourself. -E
I keep forgetting to remember to get a photographic memory.