Takes-No-Prisoner wrote: »Piercing Mark can be purged off. Now, if you mark me and I purge it off can I return to stealth in the update? If so, I'm not too worried about Piercing mark. Because a good NB can hide without getting caught and marked. Since one needs to see the target to mark him yes? I can count on my fingers how many times I got Piercing Marked in PvP.
I am a NB and even though an ability preventing re entering cloak for a short while is okay to me, it can't be something that can be constantly spammed so that the nb can not enter stealth ever again, that's just wrong.
whiteshadow711jppreub18_ESO wrote: »Shadow Cloak get's locked out, as in Grayed out, it cannot be used.. so how are you supposed to hide..
whiteshadow711jppreub18_ESO wrote: »Shadow Cloak get's locked out, as in Grayed out, it cannot be used.. so how are you supposed to hide..
Exactly the same way as other classes. Did you know that we couldn't go to stealth if we were marked?
Anyways, ZOS should nerf this class that has that OP skill, Piercing Mark. Nerf them!
I am a NB and even though an ability preventing re entering cloak for a short while is okay to me, it can't be something that can be constantly spammed so that the nb can not enter stealth ever again, that's just wrong.
Build your NB so it doesn't have to rely on cloak all the time? Food for thought.
Current counters to cloaks are laughable at best and broken for the most part so magicka nightblades can stay cloaked indefinitely even between attacks. The only REAL counter to cloak is P.Mark, but even then the nightblade must first be taken out of stealth for you to apply it in the first place. More like a further prevention mechanism rather than a direct counter if you ask me.
This isn't The Invisible Man Online, one class having complete freedom to break away from fights and stay indefinitely invisible if one has enough magicka/regen is the thing that's too much.
Stamina nightblades can only cloak 2-3 times before they're dry so i dunno why they complain - not that it changes anything - not a skill that's very efficient to begin with, but for those pesky Magicka NB's who are perma-invisible - this will make them think twice about adding more sustain and defense to their arsenal so they can withstand a direct encounter without relying on the cowards way out.
So you got two options:
*Build a further and more powerful supergankbuild so you kill that fast you don't ever need to cloak after the initial burst..
*Look at other skills and armour sets provided to you by ZoS to actually make a build that can sustain and defend itself..
Time of the wannabe glass cannon-cloakaway-gankblades that want to gank with no repricussions is over, time for a reality check and come back down to Earth.
And surprise surprise, this actually comes from a player who plays a Nightblade as his primary character (two in fact, a stamina and magicka versions). So no, i am not biased, i just understand why the need for such changes is needed. Even being a NB myself - my biggest rivals are other NB's, even the so called OP sorcerers barely pose a threat unless they are horribly skilled and pimped out.
I built my character in a nice and balanced way so they can deal enough sustained damage, but when faced with a challenge have enough defenses and utility at his disposal to put up a fight without having the need to stay invisible or run away all the time. If i can do that - so can you, nobody is stopping you. But if you refuse to do so because of some dumb sense of entitlement "but i wanna play how i want to play" - then really, enjoy being the meat, nuff said.
I am a NB and even though an ability preventing re entering cloak for a short while is okay to me, it can't be something that can be constantly spammed so that the nb can not enter stealth ever again, that's just wrong.
Build your NB so it doesn't have to rely on cloak all the time? Food for thought.
Current counters to cloaks are laughable at best and broken for the most part so magicka nightblades can stay cloaked indefinitely even between attacks. The only REAL counter to cloak is P.Mark, but even then the nightblade must first be taken out of stealth for you to apply it in the first place. More like a further prevention mechanism rather than a direct counter if you ask me.
This isn't The Invisible Man Online, one class having complete freedom to break away from fights and stay indefinitely invisible if one has enough magicka/regen is the thing that's too much.
Stamina nightblades can only cloak 2-3 times before they're dry so i dunno why they complain - not that it changes anything - not a skill that's very efficient to begin with, but for those pesky Magicka NB's who are perma-invisible - this will make them think twice about adding more sustain and defense to their arsenal so they can withstand a direct encounter without relying on the cowards way out.
So you got two options:
*Build a further and more powerful supergankbuild so you kill that fast you don't ever need to cloak after the initial burst..
*Look at other skills and armour sets provided to you by ZoS to actually make a build that can sustain and defend itself..
Time of the wannabe glass cannon-cloakaway-gankblades that want to gank with no repricussions is over, time for a reality check and come back down to Earth.
And surprise surprise, this actually comes from a player who plays a Nightblade as his primary character (two in fact, a stamina and magicka versions). So no, i am not biased, i just understand why the need for such changes is needed. Even being a NB myself - my biggest rivals are other NB's, even the so called OP sorcerers barely pose a threat unless they are horribly skilled and pimped out.
I built my character in a nice and balanced way so they can deal enough sustained damage, but when faced with a challenge have enough defenses and utility at his disposal to put up a fight without having the need to stay invisible or run away all the time. If i can do that - so can you, nobody is stopping you. But if you refuse to do so because of some dumb sense of entitlement "but i wanna play how i want to play" - then really, enjoy being the meat, nuff said.
Im a stam nightblade main and yes I can only cloak 3 times at most, but that doesn't mean I don't use it to evade or get away from sticky situations. It's kind of unfair wouldn't you think? Why make the skill unusable? Give me a 8% minor protection buff but then if anyone marks me or magelights me I can't USE THE skill? Why not make the skill usable but still make it so that people can see me? No skill should block out the use of a skill. That's insane. It's like saying if I ambush a sorc, he can't use streak for 20 secs or if I surprise attack someone they can't use heals cause they are surprised. Whats the point of having shadow cloak on my bar, if the second I engage it's just gonna occupy a slot without helping me in anyway. My suggestion is simple, let me cast it, but make it so even if I go to stealth the person can see me. I'm all up for that cause at least I still get my protection buffs.
khele23eb17_ESO wrote: »Wheres the skill that dispels shields and locks them out for 5 seconds while giving the user 10% weapon crit and 5% stamina just by being on the skill bar?
I can't uderstand if you are saying that cloack is now useless or if piercing mark is now OP... lol
I am a NB and even though an ability preventing re entering cloak for a short while is okay to me, it can't be something that can be constantly spammed so that the nb can not enter stealth ever again, that's just wrong.