I've been thinking about this for a while, so it's about time I write it down.
You enter IC, and in the base is an NPC you can talk to in order to be transported to a Battleground version of IC. It looks exactly the same, but when you activate any of the ladders or sewer door you are queued for battlegrounds. Basically each district and sewer is its own map with separate objectives in each one.
Some notes:
- The sewers will have to be scaled down. It's far too large for a battleground.
- All the mobs will be neutral by default. This will prevent people from abusing AoEs, and if you do, you're going to have mobs to deal with as well as enemy players. Just a way to make people play smarter instead of spamming area attacks all over the place.
- Each alliance winner receives tel var sacks and some drops usually found from Trove scamps (like VR16 mats, Hakeijo, sigil of retreat, etc), random motif pages.
- It would be beneficial to have an AP merchant in the battleground base where players can purchase pots/food/drink for AP. Everything else would remain the same. You basically have everything you need in there.
- Completing all objectives successfully unlocks a title, like Imperial City Battlemaster, or something along those lines. Costume would be nice too

Potential objectives:
- Capture the flag: Similar to flags in Cyrodiil but in the middle of the map.
- Keep 'em alive: Each alliance designates a single player. The objective is to keep them alive. The first alliance to kill the other alliances designated player wins (they will have an icon above their head)
- Librarian: This one takes place in the Arboretum. The idea is to collect as many books as you can within the time limit. Respawning is allowed during this round, but you can steal books from players you kill, similar to TV stones. The team with the most books collectively wins the round.
- AvAvA: A basic kill all the other alliance players objective.
- There can be only one: Once you're the last alliance left standing, your allies are flagged as enemies. If you're the last man standing, you win and reap a majority of the rewards. Allies are still given TV sacks for helping in the fight.
Basically we're not replacing Imperial City, it's just another instance of it. While we're having fun PVPing in IC battlegrounds, the PVErs will be farming uninterrupted. Sounds good to me!