Maybe they want important stuff like sets and skills to be accessible while fluff can be expensive so ppl have something to work towards? I think that makes perfct sense.
Dread_Knight_N7 wrote: »I think timing also had to do with it. Akaviri came out after IC and people were just sitting on a ton AP because none of the PvP vendors were selling v16 gear and IC introduced Tel Vars currency. Before this AP vendor announcement, there was nothing but seige, repair kits, and the occasional sigil to repeat to buy. People were asking for an AP dump and then we got Akaviri.
bchulettub17_ESO wrote: »It's because the motifs were designed to be an AP sink. Wrobel quite literally confirmed this type of thinking when he came out and said people have too much AP
Ourorboros wrote: »Dread_Knight_N7 wrote: »I think timing also had to do with it. Akaviri came out after IC and people were just sitting on a ton AP because none of the PvP vendors were selling v16 gear and IC introduced Tel Vars currency. Before this AP vendor announcement, there was nothing but seige, repair kits, and the occasional sigil to repeat to buy. People were asking for an AP dump and then we got Akaviri.bchulettub17_ESO wrote: »It's because the motifs were designed to be an AP sink. Wrobel quite literally confirmed this type of thinking when he came out and said people have too much AP
So did ZOS bend the truth about how much AP is being earned by average players? If 10k AP/ day is truly the average, the Akaviri price is a hinderance and nearly out of reach for most players, not an AP sink. 10k AP isn't enough to buy a supportive amount of siege. And an AP sink still doesn't justify setting the Akaviri price so high compared to other motifs. There is a disconnect somewhere.
bchulettub17_ESO wrote: »Ourorboros wrote: »Dread_Knight_N7 wrote: »I think timing also had to do with it. Akaviri came out after IC and people were just sitting on a ton AP because none of the PvP vendors were selling v16 gear and IC introduced Tel Vars currency. Before this AP vendor announcement, there was nothing but seige, repair kits, and the occasional sigil to repeat to buy. People were asking for an AP dump and then we got Akaviri.bchulettub17_ESO wrote: »It's because the motifs were designed to be an AP sink. Wrobel quite literally confirmed this type of thinking when he came out and said people have too much AP
So did ZOS bend the truth about how much AP is being earned by average players? If 10k AP/ day is truly the average, the Akaviri price is a hinderance and nearly out of reach for most players, not an AP sink. 10k AP isn't enough to buy a supportive amount of siege. And an AP sink still doesn't justify setting the Akaviri price so high compared to other motifs. There is a disconnect somewhere.
I don't think they bent the truth per say, I think the motifs were released prior to that mentality and therefore subject to Wrobel's ideas. That's why I was suggesting they were an AP sink because that would be inline with his type of mentality of the subject.
I also don't think those numbers that Rich provided are accurate. He claimed they were 8 week averages: there is a huge difference between 8 weeks worth of time and how much time within the 8 weeks was actually playing. I think they just straight up divided by 8 weeks worth of time
Ourorboros wrote: »Maybe they want important stuff like sets and skills to be accessible while fluff can be expensive so ppl have something to work towards? I think that makes perfct sense.
So they want players to have all the PVP skills, but only want dedicated PVPers to be able to obtain Akaviri without using the crown store? At the same time, it's comparatively easy to get all the other motifs? Yeah, that makes perfect sense.
10k AP daily average is BS. Zenimax probably included all the people who logged into a campaign on a given day and calculated their average AP... but for example one of my characters lives in Cyrodil even though I haven't played on him for months and only log in occasionally for inventory management and horse training.
Akaviri motif pricing is fair, there is nothing else to buy with AP anyway. Or gold for that matter.
xskinzcity wrote: »Let me get this straight.. zos is saying the average player gains 10k ap a day but theyre also saying players have too much AP saved up? Wtf.
And while you were able to find the other motifs for less than one million gold, that doesn't count the time and effort put into the pages you didn't buy, so I don't know if that's a good comparison.
redspecter23 wrote: »I'm pretty sure the entire reason for implementing the Akaviri motif the way they did was an attempt to get players to dump massive amounts of stored AP to try and get them to use it up. It's likely one step in a larger plan that just didn't go over as well as they hoped. With players still stockpiling AP in anticipation of new gear coming out to spend it on, ZoS panicked and looked for an easy dump. According to recent info from ZoS, v16 AP gear isn't coming any time soon so that stored up AP is just going to keep sitting there, possibly waiting weeks at a time to buy a "good" monster helm/shoulder when it becomes available. Because this "problem" is only becoming worse, I'd expect AP to be deincentivized over time until they introduce new currencies to replace it (TV stones for starters with more to come I'm sure)
redspecter23 wrote: »I'm pretty sure the entire reason for implementing the Akaviri motif the way they did was an attempt to get players to dump massive amounts of stored AP to try and get them to use it up. It's likely one step in a larger plan that just didn't go over as well as they hoped. With players still stockpiling AP in anticipation of new gear coming out to spend it on, ZoS panicked and looked for an easy dump. According to recent info from ZoS, v16 AP gear isn't coming any time soon so that stored up AP is just going to keep sitting there, possibly waiting weeks at a time to buy a "good" monster helm/shoulder when it becomes available. Because this "problem" is only becoming worse, I'd expect AP to be deincentivized over time until they introduce new currencies to replace it (TV stones for starters with more to come I'm sure)
Also, most of the PVPers I know couldn't care less about "fluff"
A lot of them don't even craft.
Ourorboros wrote: »redspecter23 wrote: »I'm pretty sure the entire reason for implementing the Akaviri motif the way they did was an attempt to get players to dump massive amounts of stored AP to try and get them to use it up. It's likely one step in a larger plan that just didn't go over as well as they hoped. With players still stockpiling AP in anticipation of new gear coming out to spend it on, ZoS panicked and looked for an easy dump. According to recent info from ZoS, v16 AP gear isn't coming any time soon so that stored up AP is just going to keep sitting there, possibly waiting weeks at a time to buy a "good" monster helm/shoulder when it becomes available. Because this "problem" is only becoming worse, I'd expect AP to be deincentivized over time until they introduce new currencies to replace it (TV stones for starters with more to come I'm sure)
Also, most of the PVPers I know couldn't care less about "fluff"
A lot of them don't even craft.
So what does this have to do with Akaviri being overpriced and harder to get compared to other motifs? From what I've seen, plenty of PVPers are willing to buy costumes, aka "fluff". I see wedding dresses and harem outfits all over Cyrodiil. But for someone like me, it takes about 50 hours to generate the 500,000 AP needed for some of the Akaviri chapters. My point all along has been that Akaviri is much harder to get comparatively, and will likely be largely overlooked due to this and due to interest shifting to the new 'shinies' coming soon to the game.
Ourorboros wrote: »redspecter23 wrote: »I'm pretty sure the entire reason for implementing the Akaviri motif the way they did was an attempt to get players to dump massive amounts of stored AP to try and get them to use it up. It's likely one step in a larger plan that just didn't go over as well as they hoped. With players still stockpiling AP in anticipation of new gear coming out to spend it on, ZoS panicked and looked for an easy dump. According to recent info from ZoS, v16 AP gear isn't coming any time soon so that stored up AP is just going to keep sitting there, possibly waiting weeks at a time to buy a "good" monster helm/shoulder when it becomes available. Because this "problem" is only becoming worse, I'd expect AP to be deincentivized over time until they introduce new currencies to replace it (TV stones for starters with more to come I'm sure)
Also, most of the PVPers I know couldn't care less about "fluff"
A lot of them don't even craft.
So what does this have to do with Akaviri being overpriced and harder to get compared to other motifs? From what I've seen, plenty of PVPers are willing to buy costumes, aka "fluff". I see wedding dresses and harem outfits all over Cyrodiil. But for someone like me, it takes about 50 hours to generate the 500,000 AP needed for some of the Akaviri chapters. My point all along has been that Akaviri is much harder to get comparatively, and will likely be largely overlooked due to this and due to interest shifting to the new 'shinies' coming soon to the game.
Umm that was in response to the couple of people that are saying it was to make an AP sink. I'm saying it probably didn't work for that.
I'm supporting you here, man.