Wrobel says, they don´t want to make so many stamina abilities in the class skill trees, because that would make the weapon trees uninteresting. Okay, I get this.
But on the other hand magicka builds got also two weapon trees, besides of most of the class skills. So compared to stamina builds they have a far superior variety of skills to choose from (with all the advantages of having more skills - more fun/stronger/more possible builds/etc.)
What I want to say is, that we need MORE stamina abilities in the class trees, a wider range to choose from, to make stamina builds more interesting, creativ and not all the same (WB/Rally/Vigor). And let´s be honest, the only "good" and "usefull" weapon abilty with high damage is WB to burst people down.
Therefore I really hope you, ZOS, think about that and introduce some more (or at least one/two) stamina skills to all classes. Why should class skills mostly be magicka based and not also stamina based?
And if you think, that then no one is going to use the weapon trees anymore, then you have to rework this skill lines and make them usefull.
(for example as a stam sorc with crit surge I can really only use crit rush and WB....yeah... fun...)
(I write from a pvp perspective, correct me if i am wrong if stamina builds for pve are any different)