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Questions on Crafting with Main vs Alt?

Hey, i recently leveled up a character to level 43 but actually just didnt like playing him so i recently rerolled another character to make as my main but he is level 15. The level 43 character is already level 50 in Provisioning and in the 30s in Alchemy and 20s in Enchanting. I am the type of player that doesnt want to rely on other players to craft stuff for me so i want to be able to craft everything for myself. So i was thinking of making my level 15 character do all the gear and weapon crafting but making my level 43 do the other 3 crafts. But i am not sure if i never ever play the level 43 character if that will be a problem? Like will there be bind on pickup materials or recipes that he would need to get up to vet 16 to get in order to make them for my new character? I just dont know how big of a problem this will be or if its a non issue? Any info on this would be appreciated.
  • Beardimus
    I'm no expert but my view is I have a load of mules that I kinda want to upgrade to alts / do a bit more with. But to become crafting gods they need skill points, which take time to level or run around and get So I think if ur low level character is now your main a skill point reset in your L43 would give you a world of points to max out crafting etc.

    Not heard of bind on pickup recipes or mats. Even motif pieces etc aren't bind on pickup to my knowledge, but no expert.
    Xbox One | EU | EP
    Beardimus : VR16 Dunmer MagSorc [RIP MagDW 2015-2018]
    Emperor of Sotha Sil 02-2018 & Sheogorath 05-2019
    1st Emperor of Ravenwatch
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    Archimus : Bosmer Thief / Archer / Werewolf
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    Xbox One | NA | EP
    Bëardimus : L43 Dunmer Magsorc / BG
    Heals-With-Pets : VR16 Argonian Sorc PvP / BG Healer
    Nordimus : VR16 Stamsorc
    Beardimus le 13iem : L30 Dunmer Magsorc Icereach
  • Jura23
    I happened to do the math recently so I know that to have maxed needed crafting passives at provisioning/enchanting/alchemy, you need only 40 skill points. Which you already have on that character. I think you can do that with no woriies. I'm currently planning something very similar. You can collect all the needed mats on characters you will play. Except potency runes I guess, but they are not too expensive. Actually they are very hard to find in the nodes anyway, so who cares.
    Georgion - Bosmer/Templar - PC/EU
  • flguy147ub17_ESO
    Thanks, yeah i have a ton of skill points for a level 43 character, dont pretty much i can to get skill points so i am guessing around 90 or so but havent checked. Just would help me on my new main a lot cause having to level 6 crafting professions on your first character really kills your build for a long time cause you dont have enough skill points for combat for a while. So i may use that 43 for 3 crafts to save me a ton of skill points on my main. Just would make the game much more enjoyable leveling up and not feel gimp.
  • VShane
    thats pretty much what I did, my alt master crafter (wpns/armor), and he is really GOOD with a single weapon and a limited fighting set, he only needs enough to defend himself getting mats
  • Lithium Flower
    Lithium Flower
    I made up my mind to do this when I started playing in April 2014. I rolled a character specifically to level to v1 (needed for entering Craglorn) and learning all traits and recipes on and it was a great asset until Orsinium. Some harvesting and looting mechanics introduced in Orsinium make it so you need to harvest resource nodes/loot with your crafting character to get what you need - the v16 materials, cassertite sand and laurels. If you don't know crafting, and don't have relevant motif chapters learnt on the player making the kill, you don't get those items.

    For this reason, I resolved to level up my crafter to v16 and turn it into my main. You need a LOT of skill points to max out crafting (120+), you also need 120+ skill points at a minimum to have a workable dungeon build. This means you need to get all the skill points from quests and delves in the level 1 to veteran 10 zones. You'll also need to do public, group and veteran dungeons. You will have to do the quest in Orsinium to unlock Morkuldin crafting benches.

    All this roughly equates to spending 100+ hours of gameplay on your crafter. At that point, is it even a crafting only alt? Sounds like a main character to me.

    My advice:

    1. Do you really want to do crafting as a profession? Yes - go to 2b. Not sure, not really - go to 2a.

    2a. Crafting for Convenience: you want to be only as proficient at crafting to unlock combat bonuses and be able to improve your Bind-on-Pickup or crafted loot to save time/money.

    aa) Level up crafting skills to 50 on your main by deconstructing loot you find along the way. It'll be slow below level 50 and extremely fast in the vet levels. You can wait until vet ranks to do this and sell all loot below level 50 to make some starting capital.

    ab) Learn a green level 15, 25,35 and 45 recipe and buy/loot the ingredients you need to level up provisioning skill to 50.

    ac)Gather or buy Dragonthorn and Wormwood or Blessed Thistle (or both) and combine with level 10, 20, 30, 40 and v1 water to get your alchemy to 50.

    Respec to free up skill points you were forced to put into crafting when you hit v16 and only allocate points in these passives:

    I) Extraction, Expertise for all the equipment crafting skills

    II) Gourmet, Connoisseur and Medicinal Use for Consumable Crafting skills.

    Learn a v15 blue magicka recipe, stamina recipe, and epic recipe and make your own food or don't bother and buy from stores for cheap. Deconstruct loot from dungeons and PvE to stock up on v15 mats and improvement tempers. These are valuable whether you keep them for your own use or sell them for gold.

    2b. Crafting as a Profession:

    ba)Equipment Crafting - start learning traits until you hit v1. Sell all loot items for gold to vendors. Never log off if you have open research slots. Sort through your loot, look in guild banks you have access to, ask friends, look in guild stores and make sure you are always researching something.

    At v1+- deconstruct all green, blue and purple equipment you find. This will level up your skill and as you unlock the extraction passives, you will get material and tempers which are quite valuable.
    The reason for not recommending deconstruction as a habit before v1 is:
    below vet ranks, the inspiration from deconstructing loot is much less so its more cost effective to sell the gear for gold from vendors. Once you hit vet ranks, the inspiration from loot climbs exponentially and it becomes cost effective to deconstruct for gold and materials.

    bb)Consumable Crafting - learn all the recipes you can find and level up provisioning to level 50, same as 2ab.

    bc) Gather and stock up all types of flowers and only use the ones described in 2ac to level up alchemy.

    bd) Learn motifs. Learn that glass, akaviri, ancient orc motifs will cost you MORE than 1 million gold each to buy or 100s of hours of farming.

    Dragonknight Smith of the Lith | Rayna Dreloth
    Templar Josephine Belmont | Catherine Belmont | Irene Belmont
    Sorceror Blathanna | Eta Carina
    Nightblade Adda Vorenor

    Ebonheart Pact | Daggerfall Covenant | EU | Champion Points ~ 800 | Crafter of all things
  • Nestor
    Thanks, yeah i have a ton of skill points for a level 43 character, dont pretty much i can to get skill points so i am guessing around 90 or so but havent checked.

    You need about 120 Skill Points to max out Crafting. This can range from 100 to 130 depending on how many Hirelings you spec and how much you put into Keen Eye, also you can refund the points spent on research passives. You probably need about 20 to 30 SPs to make a character that can farm and survive, although most farming you can do with 0 combat. There are a few Special set crafting stations that pretty much require combat to get to, well, combat is highly likely unless you know the path.

    So, I would play on that L43 character until you have about 120 points, then you can park them at a crafting station. That would be another zone or so. Then this character can craft everything. This makes leveling Alts so nice as other than Provisioning you need not put any skill points into crafting and all into combat.

    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • vamp_emily
    I kind of made the mistake of making 3 characters for crafting, all are level 10-12 players but have crafting level 50.

    This all sounded good in the beginning, and it reduced the research time, but then Orsinium DLC came out and changed every thing for me. Now, I am taking the time to make one crafter so I can go gathering and get better mats on one character.

    If you want a friend, get a dog.
    AW Rank: Grand Warlord 1 ( level 49)

  • myrrrorb14_ESO
    It is much more convenient to have all crafting on one character. But splitting it up like that is okay too. You definitely want all equipment on one character.

    You will want to get to at least vet 1 for your crafter and be able to fight a little. I recently tried to craft armor master only to find out that you need to defeat 2 NPC's that are pounding on the door to the entrance... scaled to vet15...

    Should be about 120 skill points if I recall correctly.

    You will also want to max out your main in equipment and pop skill points into it so you can gather scaled nodes.
  • flguy147ub17_ESO
    So people are saying all equipment on one character which is what i was planning on doing but which of the enchanting, provisioning and alchemy can go on my alt that is level 43? To me it just seems like a pain to try and get that many skill points for one single character. But if its the only way then i will just plug away and do everything on one character as my main. I honestly dont have time to level up multiple characters to vet16. Its going to take me a long time just with one. So if its possible to put any professions on him and the others on my main then that would be great.
  • shreikanb14a_ESO
    Question about alt crafting... I read somewhere that the resources needed to create the new motif's only drop if your char has learned the motif. If that's the case shouldn't your crafter be on your main instead?
  • Nestor
    Question about alt crafting... I read somewhere that the resources needed to create the new motif's only drop if your char has learned the motif. If that's the case shouldn't your crafter be on your main instead?

    There is one Motif that has this interaction. The Mercenary Motif. Your chances of getting a Laurel drop (style material) from a Veteran Dungeon boss increases the more chapters you know. However I don't know if the mercenary motif itself has any crafting skill requirements to learn*. I will report back and let you know on that one as I have one Vet character that has no points at all in materials passives. I seem to remember having some issues with that one, but I don't remember if it was the Mercenary Motif or some other purple that I was not going to list on the guild store (they are getting really cheap now)

    All other new style materials are just a farming grind to get.

    So, what I have done is had my Vets that run Vet Dungeons learn some of the chapters, but only my Master Crafter knows the entire motif. Ironically, it is the character that knows all the chapters that gets the lowest drop rate with the Laurels.

    *For example, the Daedric Motif requires, the non crown store one anyway, L9 in one of the material passives. However getting to that level of material does not require a crafter, just L40 in one of the Equipment crafts, and you can get there just with decon and no other points outside of Material levels invested.
    Edited by Nestor on February 12, 2016 8:40PM
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Lithium Flower
    Lithium Flower
    Mercenary requires L10 as far as I know, so you need to level up your dungeoneers' crafting in at least one equipment type to 50 in order to learn laurels for a non-dungeoneering crafter.

    Cassertite Sand also drops more frequently if you know pages but you can get some drops if you don't know any.

    v15 mats require the harvester to have L10 in the relevant craft to even see.

    Dragonknight Smith of the Lith | Rayna Dreloth
    Templar Josephine Belmont | Catherine Belmont | Irene Belmont
    Sorceror Blathanna | Eta Carina
    Nightblade Adda Vorenor

    Ebonheart Pact | Daggerfall Covenant | EU | Champion Points ~ 800 | Crafter of all things
  • Duiwel
    It's good to have your dedicated crafter not be your main OP.

    A tip for you:

    You can reach lvl 40 in all crafts except enchanting ( which is harder), provisioning & alchemy ( which is easier and will definitely max to 50 quick ) without even trying later on.

    I have level 40 clothing, blacksmithing, woodworking on both my VR chars now. I have all 8 slots filled but I only mention 3 in my sig because the 3rd is my crafter maxed with everything except learning traits and motifs ( he is still busy with those ).

    What I am trying to say is while you are focusing on the main crafter - after maxing him out you will actually naturally level the others too over time :smile:
    Join ORDER OF SITHIS We're recruiting! PC EU

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  • Jayne_Doe
    Mercenary requires L10 as far as I know, so you need to level up your dungeoneers' crafting in at least one equipment type to 50 in order to learn laurels for a non-dungeoneering crafter.

    Cassertite Sand also drops more frequently if you know pages but you can get some drops if you don't know any.

    v15 mats require the harvester to have L10 in the relevant craft to even see.

    It's actually L9 for Mercenary, as I've learned them with only 9/10. The only motif so far that requires L10, if I recall, is Glass.

    EDIT: Also, with the TG update, Laurels will become unbound, so you'll be able to purchase them from other players. I've learned all of the Mercenary style from pages I purchased from other players. Haven't run a single dungeon and now won't have to since I can buy the Laurels from other players soon.

    And, I've had a pretty decent drop rate for cassiterite sand without knowing a single page. Slowly building that up while waiting for motif prices to come down or I get drops from the dungeons.
    Edited by Jayne_Doe on February 16, 2016 8:41PM
  • BenevolentBowd
    The greatest advantage to having crafting (particularly equipment professions) all on one toon, is that it much easier / cheaper to acquire all of the motifs. The downside to having one crafter was inventory management. However, soon ESO+ members will have unlimited crafting space.

    There were concerns that your crafter would require to do dungeons and pvp to get some of the motifs and style material but has been mentioned above, all of the style materiel will be tradable soon.
    Megaservers: PC NA (sometimes) / EU (sometimes) Xbox NA (mostly)
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    Website:BenevolentBowd.ca, "Shared My Notes With the World to Help Others"
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  • AntMan100673
    When I first started playing I tried to keep all of my crafts levelled to the zone I was in. I got as far as my alliances 3rd zone before I gave up on that as my character was so gimped for combat because of the lack of skill points in combat skills and passives. I respecced all of my skill points out of crafting and only put back for research times, hirelings and extraction and concentrated on putting skill points into combat related abilities. I was fine just using picked up weapons and armour before vet levels, its not really worth crafting your own as you out level it quite quickly Imo. Now I'm vet level I've got all the points in combat skills and passives that I want so every skill point I get now goes towards crafting, I've currently got 4 crafts maxed. So from my experience I think you can have your main as your crafter but you'd probably need to wait until vet levels before you start crafting stuff for yourself
    EU - EP - Dunmer - Dragonknight - Magicka DPS - CP160

    GT: AntMan100673
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