My general strategy when leveling a sorc is to fill my bars with as much as possible from the Daedric Summoning line and plow through stuff until you get Conjured Ward. The pets from that line are quite helpful when leveling and once you have the ward you are functionally immortal in the PvE leveling zones.
magnusthorek wrote: »I assume you're Magicka Sorcerer. It's not the strongest class to start with (and even at high levels it's not the strongest in game) but apart from what @wayfarerx said, about the shields (helps A LOT), pick the Summon Familiar and try to morph it into Unstable Clanfear.
The Clanfear is a small tank that will take aggro of most of mobs while you stay back hitting with ranged attacks, be it Destructive Touch (or its morph Destructive Reach for longer range) or the bread-and-butter Force Shock, morphed into Force Pulse.
Ragnarock1982 wrote: »My general strategy when leveling a sorc is to fill my bars with as much as possible from the Daedric Summoning line and plow through stuff until you get Conjured Ward. The pets from that line are quite helpful when leveling and once you have the ward you are functionally immortal in the PvE leveling zones.
Which one is conjured ward? I remember what all the skills do, just not their names. Lol
Ragnarock1982 wrote: »
Force shock? That one that does 400 flame, 400 cold, 400 shock damage( at my level) ? I did have that on as well, but found that it didn't seem instant cast, and didn't seem to do much damage, also no animation with it really so couldnt tell when I'd cast it.
The key to the game is to be Mobile, Agile and Hostile. Never stand in one place, move around and attack as you can.
Peel off the third of the 3 mobs (they almost always patrol away from the other two) and take them down separately. If your approaching a static grouping, lay down a DoT like Elemental Wall (I like the exploding morph so I know when it needs to be applied again). Use Encase or other crowd control methods to hold up two of the mobs while you whittle on the third.
In other words, look at the skills you have, figure out what order you should use them in to get the most benefit. Like some skills boost the next attack, use that first. Some skills have Damage over time, use those. Some skills snare or lock your enemies into place, use them on mobs you need to keep occupied. Note, most snare and locking skills dissipate on damage, so place them,, then whittle on one mob while the others are being help.
You should get Inner Light by L3 in Mages, maybe it's L4, but it is one of the first skills you unlock so you might even get it sooner. Put a point into to it and have it on your bar at all times and toggled on.
Eat Blue food that gives a Health and Magic Boost
Grendel_at_ESO wrote: »I have not played a Sorc yet but what made your Templar feeble? In PvE mine is a god, from level 1 to V11 it's just jab, jab, jab, jab,......Sometimes with bosses I may need to use some other skill. No problem with either of my NB's either, must have missed this nerf patch......
Johngo0036 wrote: »I have one question,
The templar was too squishy?
Templar is one of the easiest to level in dungeons.....
Sword and shield and puncturing sweeps with BOL incase you need it,
All other skills not req..
While the Twilight can be useful, whoever told you it's better than the Clannfear needs to be bopped with a rolled-up newspaper lol.
The Clannfear has a solid amount of health and, was already mentioned, will grab aggro off you almost all the time. That doesn't mean all the enemies you engage in will target it 100%, but if you're only tackling small groups, it's wonderful for taking some of the heat off you. This is especially true for bosses.
DRXHarbinger wrote: »You used to be able to switch mage light off and it was much better. On xbox too. Not sure where the option has gone now. Also op you need to have mage light on both bars. If you swap weapons it'll toggle it off and you'll need to keep reapplying it again.