Hircine, whose sphere is the hunt, the sports of Daedra, the greatest game, the chase and sacrifice of mortals; known by the names The Huntsman of The Princes, and The Father of Manbeasts.
His dreams were scattered, but something about them seemed real enough.
"Run, get what you can but we have to go," he heard the voice hollering as he himself was running out of the little farm house. He heard screams and someone crying but he knew he had to get to the barn, to get the wagon hitched to the horses before they could run.
Krist felt the warm covers over him, even his head was covered. Had he opened his eyes he still would not have known if it was morning yet. It was odd because he usually did not sleep this way.
"Holly is still in the house," Holly's aunt Bith cried to Krist, as he tossed a bag onto the wagon. Everyone one else was accounted for as Krist turned to run back toward the burning house.
It was such an odd and erratic dream. He was thankful he was warm and safe and that all was fine. Dreams can mean many things. It may be from his own worries, his own fears. He had heard of people having dreams that were actually visions of things to come. He hoped this was not one of them.
Krist flinched, even though he was still just remembering the dream, as he remembered the arrows striking him in the side. While he was willing his legs to go, in his dream, he could not. He crumpled down, even as part of the house crumbled. He could hear Holly crying out for help, and he could see the undead converging from the south. Two zombies closed on him, and he decapitated them both with a mighty swing of his sword, as he gained his footing. The pain was still there, but he was at least able to walk. His memory became very blurred at this point. He remembered entering the house, even as Holly continued to scream. Skeletons and other undead were pounding on her door, one with an axe, in an effort to get to her. Then the dream seemed to fade, and he remembered no more of it.
Krist leaned back into the warm body behind him, no doubt it was Holly. Why he ended up in her bed, or her in his, he could not say. Krist pulled the covers back. Not the covers from his room or Holly's, but game hides. He was also not in his room, or even a house for that matter. He was outside by some hot coals that was once a campfire.
Krist looked about, then winced at the stitch in his side. That must of been what made him dream of being struck by arrows. He also had some burns on his skin, but he could not remember why.
Krist began to rise, but realize he was completely naked, and settled back under the covers. It was not modesty that kept him there, but the chilling cold as Krist realized they were on a mountain looking out over the plains of Cyrodiil. He felt the warm body next to him stir. She was also naked.
"Holly, what is happening," Krist asked, but the head emerging from the furs was not Holly's.
"Rest some more, while I fix you somethin' to eat. You will need it, because you will be sick soon," Belwin the wood elf said, even as nausea began to make his head spin.
Edited by Krist on February 5, 2016 10:21PM "Krist the Lionheart? No. Lionheart was my dog" -Krist
"Darling, if looks were everything, I would be king of the world" -Luke
"That place, between day and night, that purple color just before dark, that is where you will find me"- Hughe