Heavy armor ability

New heavy armor active ability idea.
When activated caps incoming damage to 20/19/18/17% max health at respective ranks for 1 sec. Per piece of heavy armor equipped.
Morph: reduces damage cap by 2% of max health per rank
Morph: not sure yet.

Anyone want to take this idea and expand ?
  • Forestd16b14_ESO

    Post the idea here.

    As for the idea it self well sorry but that just seems little to OP and besides players want buffs to make HA better not unkillable players again that cause the nerfs to begin with. DPS players will cry about anything that deal with resistance and stops them from there burst builds or DPS or their ganking and will not stop till ZOS nerfs it.

    After all look at the new hardy CP driving yet another nail int HA users and tanks coffin.
  • M3atwad
    I was actually basing it off of a dk ability, magma armor.
  • edorfeus
    Omg,dude, do you imagine how unbalanced pvp will become if they'd made such ability? Capping incoming damage on 2%... It's the ultimate kind of effect, like DK's magma armor, but giving that kind of power for a ordinary magicka or stamina cost... THat's insane. I'm all for buffing the heavy armor, but that's just a little bit over the top.
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