The gist of this overhaul Idea is to make werewolves have both a purpose in combat yet avoid the "rushed" feel of it and allow it to be use for RP.
Base features: 1. reduce cost (simple).
2. Werewolf becomes an
overload style ultimate you store ultimate and the more you store the longer you can maintain it. while transformed natural ultimate generation is disabled and light attacks reduce ultimate by 8 and moves reduce it by 25 (hircines bounty 10). moves and passives that increase time will be converted to generate ultimate. A 10 second cooldown will be added after you turn back to avoid abuse of the fear.
3. sneak: werewolves can do a sneak using the crawl animation NPCs have but the detection range is increased by 100%
4. Armor: werewolves actually show visible armor based on what you where wearing before you transformed.
5. Bug fix: Fix the damn berzker form!
What do you guys think?
@Glaiceana @Gidorick