Very simple - I am female and men who whine, instead to take things on and make them happen, are not erotic to me, but fill me with disgust. I just did not want to say it that directly, but now you forced me to. These wanna-be men, who want to be heroes, but are not man enough to do it with something what is not overpowered, nah, they are just not my thing.
Very simple - I am female and men who whine, instead to take things on and make them happen, are not erotic to me, but fill me with disgust. I just did not want to say it that directly, but now you forced me to. These wanna-be men, who want to be heroes, but are not man enough to do it with something what is not overpowered, nah, they are just not my thing.
Ya know,you have no way to know who is male and who isnt.Many of those people you have just disrespected are NOT men.They are female players.
That's just you being bias.
I am a female player,btw.
Very simple - I am female and men who whine, instead to take things on and make them happen, are not erotic to me, but fill me with disgust. I just did not want to say it that directly, but now you forced me to. These wanna-be men, who want to be heroes, but are not man enough to do it with something what is not overpowered, nah, they are just not my thing.
Ya know,you have no way to know who is male and who isnt.Many of those people you have just disrespected are NOT men.They are female players.
That's just you being bias.
I am a female player,btw.
Respect has to be earned, it is not given by default. And I cannot respect a whiner, who cries, when he/she does not have an OP class any longer. I know a couple of brave women and even brave girls in real life - just take Laura Dekker, who sailed alone around the world at the age of 13-15 in a small ketch. This girl is a true hero for me, she is brave and she did not use a big boat, but her tiny ketch, she was not overpowered at all and took the challenge on and made her dream come true. This is what I can respect. When someone is brave enough to do something extraordinary with not the best of equipment.
Very simple - I am female and men who whine, instead to take things on and make them happen, are not erotic to me, but fill me with disgust. I just did not want to say it that directly, but now you forced me to. These wanna-be men, who want to be heroes, but are not man enough to do it with something what is not overpowered, nah, they are just not my thing.
Ya know,you have no way to know who is male and who isnt.Many of those people you have just disrespected are NOT men.They are female players.
That's just you being bias.
I am a female player,btw.
Respect has to be earned, it is not given by default. And I cannot respect a whiner, who cries, when he/she does not have an OP class any longer. I know a couple of brave women and even brave girls in real life - just take Laura Dekker, who sailed alone around the world at the age of 13-15 in a small ketch. This girl is a true hero for me, she is brave and she did not use a big boat, but her tiny ketch, she was not overpowered at all and took the challenge on and made her dream come true. This is what I can respect. When someone is brave enough to do something extraordinary with not the best of equipment.
Fine by me.Whiners are whiners.I am speaking of your words indicating that all the whiners here are men.They are not.
Ya know,you arent even talking about people who play games.Your samples of humankind have no impact here. You seem a rather hard edged unforgiving type who is extremely judgemental.
Your drawing down on men is far too unwelcome in these forums.
Very simple - I am female and men who whine, instead to take things on and make them happen, are not erotic to me, but fill me with disgust. I just did not want to say it that directly, but now you forced me to. These wanna-be men, who want to be heroes, but are not man enough to do it with something what is not overpowered, nah, they are just not my thing.
Ya know,you have no way to know who is male and who isnt.Many of those people you have just disrespected are NOT men.They are female players.
That's just you being bias.
I am a female player,btw.
Respect has to be earned, it is not given by default. And I cannot respect a whiner, who cries, when he/she does not have an OP class any longer. I know a couple of brave women and even brave girls in real life - just take Laura Dekker, who sailed alone around the world at the age of 13-15 in a small ketch. This girl is a true hero for me, she is brave and she did not use a big boat, but her tiny ketch, she was not overpowered at all and took the challenge on and made her dream come true. This is what I can respect. When someone is brave enough to do something extraordinary with not the best of equipment.
Fine by me.Whiners are whiners.I am speaking of your words indicating that all the whiners here are men.They are not.
Ya know,you arent even talking about people who play games.Your samples of humankind have no impact here. You seem a rather hard edged unforgiving type who is extremely judgemental.
Your drawing down on men is far too unwelcome in these forums.
I agree that this is not the right place for this. I wanted to let it as is in my first post to this. This whining will never end with people, who just want the best of the best class to win. There will never be a solution to this, if they do not want or are able to play an average class with an average build. Because a truely balance game would be exactly this - all average builds, and the true hero would be that one, who is able to win with this average build. That is what I wanted to point out in the first place. All other are my private feelings, which do not have to be in this forum. But I was more or less forced to explain myself.
Very simple - I am female and men who whine, instead to take things on and make them happen, are not erotic to me, but fill me with disgust. I just did not want to say it that directly, but now you forced me to. These wanna-be men, who want to be heroes, but are not man enough to do it with something what is not overpowered, nah, they are just not my thing.
Ya know,you have no way to know who is male and who isnt.Many of those people you have just disrespected are NOT men.They are female players.
That's just you being bias.
I am a female player,btw.
Respect has to be earned, it is not given by default. And I cannot respect a whiner, who cries, when he/she does not have an OP class any longer. I know a couple of brave women and even brave girls in real life - just take Laura Dekker, who sailed alone around the world at the age of 13-15 in a small ketch. This girl is a true hero for me, she is brave and she did not use a big boat, but her tiny ketch, she was not overpowered at all and took the challenge on and made her dream come true. This is what I can respect. When someone is brave enough to do something extraordinary with not the best of equipment.
Fine by me.Whiners are whiners.I am speaking of your words indicating that all the whiners here are men.They are not.
Ya know,you arent even talking about people who play games.Your samples of humankind have no impact here. You seem a rather hard edged unforgiving type who is extremely judgemental.
Your drawing down on men is far too unwelcome in these forums.
I agree that this is not the right place for this. I wanted to let it as is in my first post to this. This whining will never end with people, who just want the best of the best class to win. There will never be a solution to this, if they do not want or are able to play an average class with an average build. Because a truely balanced game would be exactly this - all average builds, and the true hero would be that one, who is able to win with this average build. That is what I wanted to point out in the first place. All other are my private feelings, which do not have to be in this forum. But I was more or less forced to explain myself.
Very simple - I am female and men who whine, instead to take things on and make them happen, are not erotic to me, but fill me with disgust. I just did not want to say it that directly, but now you forced me to. These wanna-be men, who want to be heroes, but are not man enough to do it with something what is not overpowered, nah, they are just not my thing.
Ya know,you have no way to know who is male and who isnt.Many of those people you have just disrespected are NOT men.They are female players.
That's just you being bias.
I am a female player,btw.
Respect has to be earned, it is not given by default. And I cannot respect a whiner, who cries, when he/she does not have an OP class any longer. I know a couple of brave women and even brave girls in real life - just take Laura Dekker, who sailed alone around the world at the age of 13-15 in a small ketch. This girl is a true hero for me, she is brave and she did not use a big boat, but her tiny ketch, she was not overpowered at all and took the challenge on and made her dream come true. This is what I can respect. When someone is brave enough to do something extraordinary with not the best of equipment.
Fine by me.Whiners are whiners.I am speaking of your words indicating that all the whiners here are men.They are not.
Ya know,you arent even talking about people who play games.Your samples of humankind have no impact here. You seem a rather hard edged unforgiving type who is extremely judgemental.
Your drawing down on men is far too unwelcome in these forums.
I agree that this is not the right place for this. I wanted to let it as is in my first post to this. This whining will never end with people, who just want the best of the best class to win. There will never be a solution to this, if they do not want or are able to play an average class with an average build. Because a truely balanced game would be exactly this - all average builds, and the true hero would be that one, who is able to win with this average build. That is what I wanted to point out in the first place. All other are my private feelings, which do not have to be in this forum. But I was more or less forced to explain myself.
I thank you for not using the male of the specie for examples.This is much more palatable. :}
I am sorry for your personal feelings about men.