@Jura23 I've actually never spoken with a (non-tank) PvE player who wanted other than Divines, or any PvP player who wanted other than Divines or Impenetrable on a minor (shoulders / gloves / belt / boots) piece. Some people like infused on majors (head / chest / pants) - especially those using tri-chants, though those are few and far between.
With the state of crit in PvP at present (at present being on the PTS), impenetrable *should* still be the choice for 95% of players. If you have alternative reasoning I really would love to discuss it.
Ganking special. Pop a garbage pot, pop rally, camo hunter, relenteless,
1 shot
Forums flooded with
gw2only1b14_ESO wrote: »
Yea should be on meduim or heavy.....why sorcs get the good sh@t
gw2only1b14_ESO wrote: »
Yea should be on meduim or heavy.....why sorcs get the good sh@t
PainfulFAFA wrote: »Can anyone plz post shots of updates of existing undaunted sets?
Any changes to Valkyn skoria for example?
Septimus_Magna wrote: »
I believe the Valkyn Skoria proc chance has been increased to 10%.