This one isn't actually a question but a bit of information I'd like to put out there for anyone who might not know(like I didn't til yesterday XD).
I have always assumed the synergies you activate scale with the stats of the person who cast the skill providing the synergy, hence doing the damage/heal stated in his/her tooltip(which makes sense). However, I've apparently always assumed wrong - synergies in ESO appear to be scaling with the
synergizer's highest stat(magicka/stamina; well I assume they also take into account corresponding spell/wep dmg and crit) and are 100% not affected by the caster's stats. Which basically means all the synergies tooltips are incorrect
(Since they only give you the base idea by showing the value YOU would get if you picked up the synergy, but you can't do that yourself...)
There does seem to be an exception, Mystic Orb(both damage and magicka restored) appears to scale with synergizer's magicka rather than stamina even if stamina is higher. I'm not sure if it's due to purely magical nature of the skill or just a bug. I suppose there might also be other exceptions since we only tested this on Liquid Lightning(Conduit synergy), Talons(Impale synergy), Inner Fire(Radiate synergy) and Mystic Orb(Magicka combustion) but that seems to be the general pattern.
Just though I'd share this since it was a revelation to me, maybe it'll be useful to someone ^_^
P.S. If that's considered common knowledge, well, I guess consider me and the friend I tested it with noobs and let's hope this thread enlightens some other noobs out there
In all seriousness though, ESO really needs stuff like this listed somewhere. On first glance it's all really nice and transparent and combat with 5 skills a bar isn't exactly rocket science, but there's absolutely no intuitive way to know stuff like what synergies scale with(seeing the damage is on CASTER'S tooltip I'd say common sense says it should be CASTER'S stats...>.>) or where physical/spell resistance hardcap is(or that there even is one) etc etc.