Two things to mention first of all, fist I don't think place specifically needs a nerf, second, I live in Russia and play on NA server so some lag is to be expected but nowhere else in game outside of Cyrodiil do I have
that much unresponsiveness/bugs.
Seriously, is anyone else experiencing some crazy ping spikes and stuff in there? Like this?
I was blocking that WB #1, mind you. I mean judging by my stamina not going down the game didn't register it but I am aware of when and if I hold down my right mouse button and that was the time when I did. I also tried to break free as soon as I got cc'd but I got WB-d^2 before that became possible. After which I also pressed my shield and tried to streak away(you can even see those keys being activated) but that didn't work til after I died.
I'm not sure what I'm looking for to say here(besides sharing the undoubtedly hilarious video>.>) but it's just frustrating. That kind of sh...thing happened at least a dozen times to me at Frozen Rink, I caved in at next Arena when my ping spiked to 1k and I froze solid for like 5 seconds.
My internet is fine. I am far from the server but my usual ping is 200-250. I don't get crap like that(often; it's ESO so it does happen sometimes but every
minute? No way) when solo questing, I don't get it in group dungeons, heck I don't even get it that bad in Trials where you'd think I would, with a dozen people spamming their flashiest skills and all the instance's fancy graphics in action etc...only other place where I get something like that - same crazy amount of lag/bugs, unregistered block, lacking CC immunity, WB^2/WB^3 before I can break free, killed by a projectile in the middle of a dodgeroll, popping a potion and dying before it works then having it on cooldown after resurrecting, even unfunctioning doors after resurrecting(solved by rolldodge/wep swap) - is Cyrodiil, mainly Azura at primetime. But I can somewhat understand what causes it at a pop locked PvP server with hundreds of people all simultaneously in combat, what on Earth is causing this in a
solo instance?
/rantover Okay, now I'm gonna eat some cookies and try to chill out a's good...right...sorry for ranting