Until I get some better drops, I am toying with two possible gear setups. This is for my primarily PvP sorcerer. Screen shots below are unbuffed. Which would you use?
On one hand, we have the heavy well-fitted Molag Kena. Not everything is fully geared up yet, but even so I have better resistance and better magicka recovery, running 5+1+1. (This toon does not have the Undaunted passives yet.)

On the other, we have the reinforced medium Nerien'eth helm; 2 piece but with a good shoulder. Mostly V16 gold; better raw magicka and health; better spell damage and penetration -- but quite a bit less resistance. Plus the lich crystal proc, which is very nice and procs rather often, but seems like it would really only useful in long fights. It will not be able to fully take advantage of the Undaunted passive if I don't get a better drop by the time I have that active.

I also need to revisit my mundas and champion points, but that's a different ball of dreugh wax. I chose Kag's over Julianos because at this point, my combat effectiveness in PvP is low and being able to get players rezzed faster seems like a better way to contribute to a group than a bit more spell damage.