Today I tried to use Group Finder for Vet Elden Hollow but it could not find any group for 5 hours. 200 million dollar budget game's group finder does not work properly. Thank you Zos really. Btw Generally I end up with nood good players for vet dungeons. I always want to get gold chest for this reason I want to play woth good players. I want to do undaunted Vet pledges every day. If you need good dps sorcerer please let me know. My dream is dungeon pool which consists of at least 12 people who are doing vet undaunted pledges for gold chest every day and comminicate with each other.My charecter is MAGICKA DPS SORCERER V16 PS4/EU
Turkish Ps4/Eu
High Elf V16 Magicka Sorcerer(Flawless Conqueror)
High Elf V16 Magicka Knightblade
Redguard V16 Stamina Dragonknight
Khajiit Stamina Nightblade still in progress